Show civic groups city and coun county ily officials list ben benefits eft of new dinosaurs Dinosaur 9 center the mayor speaks speak the citizens citizen of vernal aro are very nery fortunate have the grand new attraction of the dinosaur notional national monument tnt headquarters T the he visitor will undoubtedly bring many more tourists on oil highway 40 and will directly benefit vernal as 1 it is the logical stop between denver rind and salt lake this addition to the monument brings bring the standard equal to gotlif other r na lional monuments mayor les miracle commissioners Commissi oneri comment the county commissioners feel that the recently corn plated visitor center in the dinosaur national monument Is one or of the most significant and interesting developments made in tile the history of uintah county rho rh influx of tourists to this center will have a tremendous effect on improving the econ omy of this area and the pub lacity involved will help to put uintah county squarely on the map uintah county commissioners orville swain chairman grant southam curt dudley A dream As far back as 20 yearb ago the lady lions have cooperated in every way to assist with development of the dino gaur national monument at times we wondered if our efforts were worthwhile or in vain but with the cooperation of the people of 0 this valley ot of uintah county we have an outstanding national merit ment of scenic educational and recreational value there la Is no other monument that will mill take us back to the pre historic I 1 days of millions of years in fact it is a 4 geologists paradise on display I 1 this great beautiful visiting center far surpasses our I 1 lady lions NATIONAL PUBLICITY dinosaur national monument has a special significance for the vernal area be cause this unique park site of the nations richest deposit of dinosaur fossils is truly putting vernal on the map tor for the tourist the park has been described in tike the may issue of national geographic and in a special sunday picture section of the salt lake tribune the museum at vernal and the observation center for quarrying at jensen and above all the beautiful natural scenery on the drive from vernal to the park Is for many a visitor incalculable there are many who regard it as tile the best besl thing in life and millions w who it 0 passionately crave for it 11 says national geographic vernal Kiwan lanns the beeper meaning dhere will be many para par a graphs lit in this paper today e explaining c pla ining lit in various ways tile the purposes of tile the national park service anti and tile the extent of new art and more commerce that Dino dinosaur gaur national monument will bring to the die surrounding communities it Is basils easil recognized there will be many benefits derived from the file park for those eliose people who choose to think of means mcana by which to gather thun we would rather point up a higher attitude arid and quote to you an often repeated verse from brorn ole lie bible ill it Is more blessed to give than elds 1 I ills land of 0 ours perched lit in tile the middle of our ra ranger fige holds many gifts for us to share foremost Is the gill gift of knowledge the dinosaur na lional monument quarry furnishes information to peoples all over tile the world and Is 11 translated into hito many to for teachers there teachers rs lit in our local schools have at their gieir fingertips the most con colt inking textbook at their dis dosal ia a chapter of life tile the students colt see gee arid touch bring nil an atheist to tire the ledge where the life of million years ago Is exposed anti and let him leej aee argue ponder arid and learn if it places one teed seed of doubt lit in his mind that will lead him to further investigation jn ill the right direction cel llon we have love given a priceless gift there hire are anany more mhd az 44 70 4 41 0 aw L 44 44 16 A 16 W I 1 V I 1 jw rt TWO W w 0 j olt 7 MASSIVE the grand Over hancy towers above ill placid yampa niver ln national mon urgent in this panoramic picture taken by john M good park naturalist those cliffs ato highest in the world happiness on a child s face as lie ile snuggles his toes into warm sand on oil tile the banks of tile the Green river toes that be fore felt only hot cement in ill tile the back alley of a city 1119 sound like much to the man who has the feel of tile the soil near at liand hand every day clay the child will always remember these things are jours ours to give to spoil to share alice white for unity no 23 rebekah lodge adventure into past with the dedication of tills this building we are arc now at last bringing to the public what they have been waiting for an adventure into tile the past ilow how many of us in ill tills this area atone alone are acquainted with the great treasures that have been liere here for so many cen turks now through tile the efforts of so many people these treasures are being put to use tills this monument will riot not only ohly benefit tills this area but most of the west it Is our opinion tint that it will riot not only make this area one of tile the creati greatest st attractions lit in tile the west but one of tire the more pros berous we to do riot not believe there here Is use one of us that wont benefit either directly or in directly by tills this attraction A A AU McCarr Carrel cl governor loyal order of tile the mouse moose vernal lodge no 1812 nr how milestone we are today celebrating a new milestone in fit tire the develop merit of our area asi as a grent great tourist enter center with tile lie dedication of the lie Dinc dinosaur isaur national monument we cart can feel with great pride that hat our community li it progressing sang arid and working toward the future growth of if our county and tile state slate as a whole As aa president of the lie vernal lions club I 1 would aou id like to take tills this opportunity to ex press tile the appreciation of our bur club members for tills won delful adoll addition tion to our coin arid and also commend tile the monument Monti ment personnel tot fot tile the service they tender render to all visitors III ray cundick president eident Pr vernal lions club wonder of the world the fossil deposit at dinosaur national monument Is one ot of the wonders of the world within easy reach of tile the people of america and a am n 1 sure they will no now I 1 take like a advantage i altage antage of tills this development C laurence fox president uintah knife rork fork club stop step forward llie american legion aux mary witbeck post no 11 tends ends heartiest congratulation i extends heartiest heartie it congratulations an the dedication of tire the dinosaur national monument this is will be a redl real asset to the uintah dasin basin as a tourist attraction a boost to tile the community and a step forward lit in the development of this area frances lenox president american legion auxiliary world interest intent T the it e dinosaur national monument is something this area can call be very proud of it Is tile the history of this land and has aroused the interest of the whole world I 1 the land of the dino saurs has been made into a national park and mIjI lons ot of dollars has been and will be spent to make it a major point of interest vernal basei basci its tourist promotion work maln main ll 11 on an tills land ol of the dino and tile the vernal jaycee ette are proud to help further tills this 1 mea 4 a xen gwen carryll carroll president vernal jaycee ettes Ouli anding sanding we the fie members of the american legion 0 of vernal utah feel that tile the development of the dinosaur national monument tins has been arid and continued on page 10 16 CIVIC AND OFFICIALS LIST BENEFITS OF NEW VISITOR CENTER continued from page 9 will continue to prove one of the most outstanding tourist attractions in our nation arden stewart commender Com minder witbeck wit beck post no 11 strange land we welcome and thank our for exposing and preserving this th nations richest quarry of dinosaur fossils the new visitors center and excavations at the quarry by the national parks service will continue to heighten the of all americans to tile age of reptiles to the age of mat anai the mani color variations of the jagged rocks of the green river gorge have a natural beauty that attracted the sc scouts ta of escalante and dr douglass in ins his search for more knowledge about the earth in speaking of tile the gorge in 1014 1914 dr douglass stated the stranger will see a strange land indeed a chaos of rocks hills buttes bad lands valleys canyons canyon and mountains this beautiful and majestic green river gorge cind dinosaur quarry will persist in attracting tr travelers through this particular part of tile the nick hl eapher president kiwanis kawanis nib of N ernal |