Show moon lake elec gets power pit pad let 9 of odway chosen line staked moon lake Liec electric asab elation with headquarters in vernal has received confirm atlon of official award to sup ply tile the electric power dequir rd ed for the construction of the diaming gorge dam and pow or er plant tentative right of way has been selected and the actual taking of the line is 19 under moon lake will supply the power ly lv constructing a high voltage transmission line from its trani tram fission lis sion system six miles sout sou theo of vernal to the naming gorge site this line will be routed as nearly as possible along thor the vernal manila highway for access for the transmission line Is being designed to operate ultimately at volts during the period of time while mamin flaming I 1 gorge dam is bainy constructed construct el ei the transmission sion line mentioned above will be energized at 69 volts volt when construction is completed at the flaming gorge dam and when power is available from generation at flaming gorge moon lake electric association expects to rece receive iye power for or its syr terns use at which time the line will le be energized at volts ron E harrison arrison II general manager tor for the association stated bateu nat anat at the time power Is available from Fil Flamin arping ff gorge GOI KG a substation will be cr acted southeast of vernal t to 0 st step e down 0 w t the h e v voltage e 0 o iol faill lo 10 ewh 6 90 0 0 volts 0 at s e i e it w wali b be integrated into the moon lake laike electric associations 69 volt transmission tent tem which extends ext ads through out the uintah I 1 osin asin mr harrison arrison II manager is the routing of the line and the engineering al though the firm of C 11 II guernsey and company con suiting engineers will per form 01 m the actual and will supervise the con construe tion ot of the transmission line moon lake expects to let ra t contract early in july and will require that construction be completed prior to november 1958 power will then be supplied to the bureau of reclamation for construction of the flaming gorge dam from the moon lake system |