Show KITTEN KALM KALLS by kathy robinson A matinee dance was held wednesday may 21 with the student body the guests af the dance orchestra the students cooperated so well ur mr haws decided the dance could carry over ana in 10 fifth period the orchestra has really been a fine addition to the school this year students participating under the direction of mr lee were lynda murdock piano drent brent hacking kirt rich don anderson Anc lerson jim marrs marra cornets cognets cor nets nathan doty day winston alan trujillo and mr lee saxophones ferron harrison arrison II and gary meacham trombones dale and roy caldwell clarinets and gordon gee drums thanks goes out to these fine students the climax of tile the school dear came thursday tile the day of tile the annual awards assembly regular classes were held in the morning with a noon dance after lunch roi following lowing these activities the students returned to their home rooms to receive their report cards and go directly to the ly opening the program kathy caldwell and leslie sang oil oh what a beautiful morning accompanied by lynda murdock mr lee also sang a solo accompanied by miss murdock awards award hie fhe award assembly saw the awarding of the student council and dance orchestra awards by mr lee tile projection crew receiving awards from mr casterline and tile the lawn COIn committee littee under the dt dl of scott student council representative received awards from their faculty facility advisor mr nielson Nl elson the members of the stage crew were presented awards by mr Ragni mrs leo lee presented photography awards with awards to tile the editor of panther mews tile the school newspaper arid and to the me author of kitten kalli kalig 1 bree students student lt were awarded certificates for reLvi receiving ving a straight A average throughout tile the year certificates Certificate su were ere also awarded to those students having a perfect ilund once ance record for tile hie year rolaine ll enderson present cd a scrapbook to next years c aitor uvene haws flows each of the student body of ficera gave a speech ing their offices to those who follow in their footsteps sus an historian presented the scrapbook to the next year s historian juanita workman harold rust swore in ill the new offic officers rs and pre dented next years president tim jim vernon with the traditional gavel the student body officers acre presented with an engraved plaque with the exception of harold who re calved a beautiful new gavel as a token of the schools of ai pre preci clation atlon certificates principal J C haws flows presented the ninth grade stu dents to superintendent max 0 abbott for the awarding of completion certificates the ninth grade then went to the lunch room where the faculty had prepared a treat for them white while tile the other students en ell joyed several comedies this completes kitten kalls kalli for this year I 1 would like to turn your attention to a lady who has encouraged 11 aged and advised me in ill tile the writing of this column she Is mrs lawrence lev lee an english english and utah history teacher at I 1 would like to thank tier her publicly for tile the time and effort she has fins given me ine lit in tile publishing of panther mews arid and this column |