Show OPHIR APPALLING FLOODS FOODS l Pill I With Il Witter With Wih Special Tooele Co Aug Au II This lias been II n deluged with wih floods 1001 of fit frequent f occurrence O the three dBy dA T flood from B R cloud buret came rame down 10 the canyon on Sun Sunday day dl at p m 1 bringing down don great drifts drift of wood brush debris and ami boulders Mr Ir Hales who looks after the had to In be b up ulI all 1111 Sunday night to 10 keep the flume clear of trash and to keep his hl house from fron washing Hwn II On Monday onda tit the rain came again 1 In torrent l ami another flood ensued n 1101 Ih volume of ot the day da before down great quantities of ot de dl weighing tons Th Till Thrush rush ruh of ateN laste la 1111 late In the 10 Some Om of ot the lite people 11 left their tofik to the In fe r of heing washed away While It 1 the It flood was III an In sight parti to 10 who 00 were Cli ct 1 It |