Show FAIRBANKS AT BOISE Making for lor nr n l llon lo to be hI 1 Him Ida hla Aug ar arrangement are are being made for tor or the thet t reception t to he be tendered Vice Pi eel dent Fairbanks upon his Ball to Unite liniN during the coming tendon Malon ur uI the Na National 1 a Irrigation conI HI Word has ku lla been received ed that he hf will reach Boise Botre BoI al at 8 2 Monday mornIng morn mornIng mornIng Ing Sept J i the opening day dA of the 1119 cong and will participate le in m th n opening solo n r e ton o 1 e son on that the l day da The Tho T h 9 Ralee Federated Trade sort and council Is I s arranging for a n monster celebration of Labor I bor day that I after allo afternoon noon nonn and nd It Il seems mB likely tho the vie pr pe pre Ident will wll be secured at If It to If the UI A 5 monster public reception U III planned for tor forthe the Ibe In honor of or the Ihl vice Iee pe f rl t dent which a IU III take place either atthe at atthe atI the I h mate Male capital laph gr grounds or HI at ilio 0 city elt hall |