Show SCULPTOR WARD WEDS Already hru He 11 Hits HII III I Ills Seventy SI Sixth M lIh l New e ev York tug Aug Au Herald Uday Saye a J Q A Ward dean delin of the American and for tor more Inore than titan hull half a a leader r In lii art Will waH ss showered with congratulations on his hili recent marriage The TIll noted sculptor linn hall Ju Jut just t reseed pawed tile the mile milestone stone atone JI lifes journey jurne and hu has been tn twice before befort Announcement ent also alra was wan made by b Mr Ir Ward arul that Illat he bl would ouM soon retire the of nC his hili profession and ami de Ill devote devote vote lil bitt remaining years to peace und mid quietness Mr Ir Yard Ward de ined U to gratify the Iho curiosity lIllo lt of or earnest Inquirers as u to the l ider ty t of the bride 1 Wh liv should you ask he Interrogated gated Do n the public rare care I 1 am no I kaiser kalter or president pr hent Certainly It Ii Is not necessary that thai I should tell the name of n the Ihl lady lad That Is la a Ii personal matter It concerns only my m own l I have hse no children antI and ant no other oIlier ties tie I was wa married d about a I month ago and that l is III all I care to toM pay fay M about aboul It II ItI ItI I I have ht gradually bron withdrawing from Crom active work I 1 shall ahall flemish finish the 1 statue of o Gen den Hancock for Cor the city of Philadelphia and two t 0 or r three little III tie things and then I 1 shall go 10 to the coun countr country try tr I J have a little place aee up In tha Then there Is IA my old home houna In Ohio which through all these there years year far I hive have kept and 1 I shall certainly see ee et It again |