Show I COURT NOTES H Il In a suit flied filed In tri th t court this al at i iges ces that hAt till ht attempting tn In t h It Pard ard a at al r owned c Ifo bv b he ht l 1 ah h 1 A Pon r rin rc in n c i li 11 last act r 0 v el It cisI i sI hn 11 V It of ce Irk In Iy h ii f f Mm lm u t rlou u He lie U lares he to I have rOIl d him neat creat and sick Ick nus flees and assesses the damage at A bill hill for divorce wee was flied In the district court this morning In which Mrs Irs Mary ar C Donahue sets et forth that on August AugUH 6 lost last she he was U knocked down and badly beaten alln by b her husband James T Donahue The couple were ere re mar mitar married ned ried In October ISSi J S which marriage Mrs Irs Donahue annulled She al ni also alFO niso so FO aske luk that the Ihl defendant be com corn compelled pelted 1 led to 10 for tor her maintenance The Thc Union Pacific Railroad company was waR this morning made adt defendant In a R damage damace dam a suit gull to recover for per personal Injuries AS ns a result r of a railroad accident occurring Sept 19 JW Dol at ut a 11 point P near Kansas Falls Kan pap fas Amy Am S i Johnson complainant the al ci leges legee le that lint the accident wu was the result of ot carelessness on the part of the de defendant e company compan and claims to have sustained Injuries from fram which she has not yet tt It recovered Albert AJ rt S Johnson this thle flied filed suit In the district court urt asking dam damares ares aces a In the sum tum of ot 1000 for Cor alleged Injuries sustained Bu In III a wreck reck on the Union Pacific railroad at or near Kan Kansas sac sas Falls Kansas Sept 19 1901 1904 19 The fm sets F ts forth that Johnson Johnron was waR wasa waRA a passenger on a Il train owned and oper ol operated operated I Itt by b the defendant corporation on that ditto date and that the ear car In which he was Will rolled down an embankment caus rous causing ing In him serious Injury I r te VI I on for Cor a writ of prohibition prohibition to 10 rest In Justice of the Ihl Peace P r F 11 Durand of Murray lurra from acting Jo III Joa n na a case ta now non p pending vas wai w filed 1 In the district court this The corn com c m I plaint sets Ils forth that riot n the plaintiff plain tin ban flied filed show hol showIng holhI Ing hI that the Ju justice had no Jurisdiction and entered a Judgment Jud against him himI I The action is II the Ih result of or a asuit asuit suit brought against by b time the th tham Ham am I IA hevy evy Cigar Cinar Co In 11 which a I of oC was as entered against 1 P nel et pen peon in Durands court July luly M If last |