Show Way Vay y Down East EastA A Powerful Drama A dramatic story rich in its sympathies eloquent in its unusual unusual unusual unus unus- ual photography and dealing with the fundamental story of a girl vho has etre-d etre er err rid and her right to love lovs again Way Vay Down East with ith Rochelle Hudson and Henry Fonda In the leading roles rolet will ome to th the Cozy Theatre March 21 and 22 The picture z t tells the story of two who fought bigotry and hatred hatred hatred hat hat- red for the right to love lo Th The locale of this story is the llie New England of f the Its principals are Run RU el I Simpson who acts a stern stem principled squi squids his sensitive dreamy son Henry Fonda and the g girl rl Rochelle Hudson Only one thing menaces m that love love mysteriously ly and that is the occasional of Edward Tr Trevor vor their suave and worldly next-door next neighbor As the picture approaches its climax the reason for forr this Ulis becomes becom s apparent ent Gossip reveals that Miss Mass Hudson had bean bem the victim of an unfortunate love affair and that Trevor had wronged her Following a stormy scene in the Simson hou household Miss Hudson attempts to flee fie over the icy river and is caught in the breaking Ice jam am In the heroic scenes that follow and that bring the tho story to its sappy close clone r reveals on one ona of the not Dat moving and suspenseful which have been brought broughto o the tha screen |