Show Canadian Says We Are Raising Fine Crop of Physical Degenerates WE E ARE raising a crop of weaklings and it will be only a matter of time when our citizenry will be composed of physical degenerates This dire prophecy was m made lIe bs bj a n Canadian physician Dr Y V W E. E Black of ot Moose Jaw wan It was Inspired by watching a n procession of school children and their teachers during a Jubilee eel cel While these were Canadian children children chil chil- dren there Is probably not so great greal greata real a n difference between children ren ic it Canada and children In the United States but that Doctor Blacks Black's oh oh- should stimulate interest interest inter inter- est In ph physical education among American as well as Canadian parr par parents par eats and educators Few Know How Now to Breathe Not more than one tenth one tenth of or the children and teachers In that parade pa rade knew how v to breathe walk or ot stand correctly Doctor Black ob ob- served At least every third child 39 was waa out of ot step indicating a n lack Jack of that sense of rhythm which Is so essential to efficiency In more than one walk of life A large proportion of ot chronic dis dih- diseases eases some types of arthritis many digestive disturbances circulatory tory troubles and nervous disorders are ure due to poor body mechanics Doctor Doc Doe tor Black contends Even en those who lead outdoor lives are open to the char charge e of or not caring properly proper ly Iy for their ho body y machines or using them properly Farmers Lack Chest The average farmer or out out-of- door worker Doctor Black says will show sho jou you a n beautifully muscled muscled mus cled back and In cases most cases no front chest to balance It which means diminished heart and Jun lung hung room and In nine nIno out of ten cases that back will not have more than f 50 00 0 per cent of the tho range rane of movement move move- ment It should have havo Sound ph physical J education In the public schools Is the reme remedy y sug suggested suggested sug ested by the these e Canadian doctors The Tile child should be expected to I pass or at leass try ry to pass In ph physical development as ns well uell as In as-In JS In th the usual mental I branches |