Show I DISINHERITED By 8 RAYMOND HAYMOND PITCAIRN National Chairman Sentinels of oj othe the Republic Republic Through successive generations the American people have continued to receive one of ot the richest heritages In all history Freedom of speech and nc of opportunity opportunity opportunity the right to a decisive voice in the greatest government on onearth onearth onearth earth a national spirit of ot courage courage courage cour cour- age and self reliance public wealth beyond the dreams of ol I Croesus These are arc but a few tew of the treasures treasures treas tress ures won in the blood and th the sweat of ot working hard-working hard fisted pio plo pioneers neeri and left to us as a natural birthright How are we preserving that hertage heritage heritage heri her tage What is America doing to maintain or increase for tor posterity the things our fathers won for tor us What will this generation leave to those who follow tollow Today the list seems discouraging Its items would include A burden of national debt which winch as this Is written exceeds instead of ot an Increasing national wealth The threat of a new alien philosophy philosophy I phy of or dependence and tear fear fear in in instead in- in stead stend of the spirit that sent Daniel Boone Into the wilds of Kentucky y yand and whole families over the hardships hardships hardships hard hard- ships of ot the Oregon Trail A glorification of ot the economic step goose-step instead of ot the bold free tread that could carry youth to whatever heights its strength and ability permitted No wonder as it regards this prospect prospect prospect pros pros- youth in America feels No wonder thousands of older citizens remembering the opportunities op- op opportunities opportunities op op- of their own youth are protesting against a philosophy which robs their sons of ot similar freedom No wonder the true descendants descendants descendants de de- de- de of ot the American pioneer are Insisting that personal liberty and personal opportunity must be preserved In this country Thousands of our ancestors fought and died to win for us those liberties lib lib- libertIes and opportunities Thousands more fought t to preserve them The newer generations have a right to enjoy the heritage We cannot let them down |