Show DUCHESNE TO HAVE MODERN AUTO SER IGE Service Station Restaurant ant nt Camp Cabins Will ViII Occupy The la 1 Main n Corner CornerA A Modern Tourist Service including including including in in- service station camp cabins cabins cabins cab cab- ins and a re restaurant laurant will soon occupy occupy occupy oc oc- oc- oc cupy one on of the main corners in Duchesne it was announced this week by Wm H. H Case and Chester Lyman who have been busy for fors s weeks we-etS making plans for forthe forthe forthe the new venture The property known for several years as aa the tire Billings corner hav hav- havi having i ing hoUS housed d the G. G V V. V Billings real estate business north west from the post office corner will ba be the site fite of the new structures It is an Meal ideal site for their proposed business busi busi- at in- in ness nass they feel being the tha b of the road to Moon Lake e and the tho North country towns with l highway 40 through Duchesne Buildings Moved R Recent cent real estate transfers give the men title to the corner lot wh which ch they purchased from Mrs Anne B. B Herrick H now of Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington D. D C C. and the three adjoining adjoining adjoining adjoin adjoin- ing Iota lota which th they thy y purchased from A A. A M M. Murdock The entire property now measures feet by fe feet feat L Several days ha have hava al already ready been spent in moving the I al-I various vatious buildings which have been occupying the Uta corner and making malting preparations for th the new ne build build- ings 1 Case and Lyman arenow are arenow arenow now in Salt Lake City on business busness pertaining to their and complete details detaiL will not be available avail avail- available able until their return i |