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Show UIXTAII BASIN RECORD Come Tit 831(1 l wau to see down Sunday to see my sister and the baby, and for Joe 'a housewarmIn," she said, her heart ing, of course! 0n Ere8t bound of Z and lop? We'll see you, then. You couldnt dine with us at the hotel on SunLarry flung aside his can Ca and t down, drawin- - and day night? Ms "Ruth, Id love It But TU tell chair close to hers as he so you. I dont know Just how I'll find catchingoth her hands In hl2 things at Bendys. She has no nurse, and she may have made some all this about? Im plan and I flew np e It didnt sound extremely conthis afternoon. Down It the vincing, and Tony had an Idea that office theyre all upset over this. Caroline Polhemus G eeny was was looking tearing his hair. What right through her. But Ruth only happened? My dedr ffiy said, unsuspectingly: cant run out on us like thatt" "Well, come If you can." It was heaven, after these endThis Is extraordinary weather less lonely days, to have him here for San Francisco," Tony told the beside her, warm and brown and Eastern woman. affectionateto realize thatV1 had "This wouldnt be warm In a made her mark as a New York June. newspaper woman after all I hear my perfectly good husHe iistened to the whole story band called on you the night we attentively as she poured it out, got back from Los Angeles last taking It step by step. week," said Ruth. was Larry, that fair? Was that Not last week, the week bedecent? To let me drag Miss fore." Tony smiled at the long cold into It, poor thing-s- he was fighting every step of the way and then to tell me that Id made her betray her boss? No, it was rotten," Larry said briefly, as she paused. And then that smug pig of a Fitch! Tony stormed on now dares he how daresbitterly, he involve me In his dirty tricks! I agree with you, said Larry But you cant give up your job on his account Thatd be to honor him too much. Tony, dont be a fool about this, Larry pleaded. Youve got a good job and a good chance with ns. Fitc-- may be out any day; nobody else knows that so keep it under your hat Now, you cool down, and Ill straighten It all out Greenys mad with excitement over the whole thing; be a sport now, Tony, and dont throw us all down just because " Tony had walked to the window. She was thrilled beyond all her wildest dreams and hopes by Larrys tone, by his consternation at the mere Idea that she conld resign. But whenever the memory of the complacent and suave Fitch revived her pride rose again. Its my honor, Larry!" she said, with trembling lips. ne was standing at the window Well, Come if You Can. beside her, and as she raised her I heavy, brooding eyes they met his. glass of Iced tea In her hand. Ive never seen you like this, resigned from the Call In a tantand Larry rum," she explained, Tony, Larry said gently. came and cleared It up." Im not often like this. Come back, Tony, She certainly Is beautiful," Carhe said. There was a silence. oline Polhemus thought I wonder Oh, I want to come back, If shes always so nervous. She Larry!" she confessed, on a long was as pale as a ghost when she sigh, without turning her head. For came In, and now shes got high a minute they stood looking out to- color. Blue eyes and that dark gether at the jumbled blur of red hair I do beg your pardon, Im and gold lights that were the city. sorry! she Interrupted hpr thoughts Then suddenly Larrys arms were to apologize, finding Tonys eyes about her, and Tonys heart leaped fixed on her expectantly. "I didnt as If It frould burst Its bounds; the hear what you were saying, Miss familiar room in the mild lamp- Taft I think, Caroline went on, was trying to light was rocking dizzily; and all smiling, I think I fit you to all the pictures my brothreason. was and all thought goDe, There were only the swimming mad- er has been drawing of you In his ness of her senses, and the touch letters," she said. Joe Is enthusiastic, Tony obof him, the sound of his voice low served. and quick and incoherent In her Why doesnt she love Joe? the ear. as Tony and visitor speculated, Im human, you know," Larry conI'm Pm human. Ruth began a little murmured said, breathless. of their own. versation beautiful-beaut- iful beautiful My girl my I ought to be going this moTony! ment, too the wine Tony finished, putting down of deep Drinking strong for human souls and hearts her empty glass. She stood up. Ill to bear, Tony rested her cheek see you positively at the houseshe against his own hard cheek, locked warming, and maybe Sunday? her slender arm about his neck, and was saying, when Joe Yanderwall murmured only his name, over and came In, Tonys eyes went to the over again ; "Larry, Larry, Larry." door; her color wavered. lie kissed his sister; kissed Ruth. And for a while that was enough. Whats the rush, Tony? she said; Presently No rush. But Ive been here When did you know? half an hour, and I'm supposedly Ive always known. the fluff of the loan exhibidoing felt?" I how And you knew tion. I suspected, I suppose. Is It any good, Tony? Oh, sit You didnt have to suspect; I told you. I went blubbering up to down again, nothing will he going half-pas- t five, and your office and practically made yon on there until five wednow. It's Just Bendy's offers of marriage. They say it's good. Tony took ding day, remember? Remember? My God, what do you her chair again; a slender figure In think I'm made of? Every minute a white suit, with a white bat and of that talk we had was like whips white shoes. like fire- -" The door clicked, and again her against There was a long silence of com- breath rose suffocatingly ecstasy; they murmured her heart. It was old Airs. Patterplete hard son. No escape for another ten again, and again his lips were hers. minutes now. against Larry." Mrs. Patterson took Tony's chair, Tony. and Tony sat on a straw hassock Where do we go from here? in the opened window, and there He did not answer. She felt his mas more tea. When do you sail, Mrs. Tolhe-mus- ? lips against her hair. yo7nUa" i6 set come In Make These Spring Accessories Colorful PATTERN The Nipponese manipulators of tjpewriters have to struggle with a kej board of 2,000 characters to he picked out by hand. The slugs have ndlvldual compartments In a sliding 1131 fray. The stenographer must press a knob in picking out these Individual signs of the Katakana ,J:Vh(f8 Continued hapTR XVIII -1- 5- . l ive et you It to me. Thats OppsJ l;lri.. that was the model." Tutoh held it in his hands for it. Then seconds, considering minute. .is "ffait here a IntU the managing editor ' U and with him Mr. Arma" s you and ln,tro; , ft rhiliiber. 'Mr. notary public. , gay tf I The last Mr. the Opps you got Arnoldson said. Tony happy pride and awe. the re going to tell us only Arnold-1- , truth, Miss Taft, reipushing a comfortable j Witli fen' ,ig n. chair needn't toward her, "and so haie the slightest un-s- s Fhillibers taking at Mr. " -- w ie nlked carefully, y not exagger surrender of the postal I died the story, and the asked her If she la swear to It. Tony had done home. "To my share of It," She leaned over to Van Florences before. desk and slipped the note to Lira. igreed. Mr. Ar-oTel! done, Miss Taft, Give that to Greeny, will you said then, going away. Mr. please? she said unsteadily. Im echoed the praise, and by this going home. extraor- (liew that they were Sure, Van answered, not lookilj exhilarated. ing up. Tony went to the pegs hi g got Opps Tony where hung her hat and coat and story? i, turmng toward the city took off her Inky and rumpled Greeny and Mr. Fitch. smock. It was good-bto the ha''s the interesting part of It, and smock, and dirty exulted. the j Haft," Frank Fitch unspeakable roller towels; good-be has talked to Opps yet. to the blue cigarette smoke, and get his story now fast the clatter of typewriters and the ;J without any trouble! Shes rumble of mens voices; to Greeny ilel, and thatll bring him right anxious, scowling, shirt sleeved, lire" twisted In his chair with one leg up ay stopped short, and the men over his desk, and to the clicking wi with her. machines on the A. P. desk, the oi mean he hadnt talked? press boys coming In sweaty and We thought It was best 'ope. grimed with trailers of galley proof, indie It this way, Fitch said and the of all latently. the newspapers in all the world. hf but I lied to her, Tony Was she acting like a fool? No, a, in a hard voice. Cliff and adorable, consoling, blun 'oi got your story, and that's dering old Brucie and Aung Me? be Call expects of you," Frank were very sure that she wTas not a 1 iiid Thank you smoothly. fool. dos'd his door. Having heard the whole story, le and Greeny were out In the they applauded her, as she ate her town now. Tony looked at the later supper; they told her that she voicelessly for a long minute. had been trapped into an lntoler-ablVll lose her Job," Tony said, position. Mig hard. The funny thing about a job Is, 4, no, she wont 1" that when youre In, sway," the girl . demanded, Tony mused, And when you feel so secure. tog herself In, "Is that fair? and out, you youre , shacks, whats the dirt? if pleaded. Thats the way feel like a beggar again k Ms Youll see, Tony. Greenwoodll gotten where he Is, and send for you tomorrow," said Aunt Meggy. Ill not go see him, Tony declared. But she knew In her heart that she would. She was already The bets ment; Tony sat for a while with ber head In her hands. Fitch had gotten her into this; Frank Fitch, whose morals were the scandal of the office, had suavely deceived her Into deceiving this other woman! Antoinette Taft, who had always prided herself upon being honorable fine I No, sbe couldnt bear It She seized a piece of paper and slipped It Into her typewriter. Dear Mr. Greenwood, typed Tony, her breath coming hard, her eyes glittering and tearless with Herewith I tender you my anger. resignation from the staff of the Call.- - I want to thank you for all your kindness to me, and to assure you that no assignment you ever gave me would have made me feel this step necessary. Next eek I will come in and say good-bto you and the boys, but tonight I am too much upset by the disgraceful part I played In todays assignment to be able to do anything except go n nd ps )th b b e w low f ecom moi n jdiee r slip. wash-basin- t in y y jourl 91 an.it i d par hrink -- ered i 3i iO, julm plete . d. rustle-rustle-rust- coins for e pi mi: ; Ses 1 V ew 0, Ca. i n aro earn oners -- . Adv. ind 1 to little devoured with fear, regret, sickness. Us? j'V'fMa it rouf nilyi ikno?' elhcr1 ur!a-- r leadnt yisj rticu' iSPlfr Shucks Whats the Gre"y Pleaded. ftcort i" rm ad' adfr M the htii! 5; fnh,e .Sub 10r M 's I'1 he as Pr son t' nlW r In'i- jhe ; c lh" can run a "ay Frank cun- . ' i it, It s coming to : elt:k- - r CM te man in the busl- - I!'11. f. on ism Diff? df"k "ud sat home- The next day passed In dreamy unreality. There was no word from the Call. Tony felt aimless; life was quiet and flat. She went down to the newspapers business office and asked, hoping that the answer would be In the negative, for her pay envelope. It was there; a whole weeks pay, and no comment, no letter. Out In Market street again Tony considered going to the other newspapers: there seemed to be nothing else to do. In both places she had brief unsatisfactory conversations with superior and uninterested city editors; there were no va canclcs at the moment She walked home somewhat demen pressed. The city was full of and women who had held newspaper jobs and who had lost them, The next day she washed her hair and put her bureau In order, Then she went to the Cutter funeral with Aunt Meggy, and they walked She left home with Aunt Sally. Aunt Meggy there for dinner, and went home to find that Clifford was the dining with his girls family forCliff. first time, a great occasion for I want to tip you off. Cliff said, to tying his white tie. It's going be Mary Iiose Biy. Fixed It up Sunday. Clifford Taft Oh, I am glad! to kiss Tony exulted, getting up Indifferently ;n ,ll'r mind to her liltOL You would pick a girl with I)e, USe' S''e him. ahEwbeln hlr assign money. 11 nn, ...... She hasn't got so much money. smiled at himself In the glass; nd ,,kh' 80"hom 6,ie Cliff wns with had ,n life I ',S going well with him, 1, sitting Were 4' ird w harml0' all the Tafts.. orl fng 0Iunn of pretty I" hm bon In her and She and Bruce had a quiet dinner r a"d taken her ad- - and he went eiuly to bed. Tooy out the thought that she would put at the out look and QUUe S,u, lamps and Sit washed ll,001,',0ne she roofs and at Twin Peaks Aunt for wait ,B and offlc: site in moonshine, aktohlm J P M' about it. i; iM be 4.1!,, 4 hi I , l" Anl'oIos full,,,,,' ,,8 tlip UllU1 Me? to come home. hal The hell ran? sharply; the And door. the to went bell. Tonv who stood It was Larry In,,,r- ilankness announce there. Wal-list- forms. Characters which once were pictured have been reduced to their simplest forms on the typewriter and now represent Ideas only when placed In sound and thought sequence. When the knob Is moved directly over the selected character, pressure Is exerted. A metal arm pushes across a tiny ink roller and against the paper which Is rolled on a drum. The drum shifts and revolves as the letter progresses. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Just as saon as you complete one of this smart pair you can begin using It, for either Is right for now, or Spring. Both are very easy to do, for the greater part Is just plain crochet, with a simple shell stitch for contrast In hat brim, and on the purse The rayon and wool mixture so pop ular now Is an attractive yam to use Pattern 1132 comes to you with di rections for making the set ; an lllus tration of It and of all stitches needed ; material requirements. Send 15 cents In stamps or coins (coins preferred) to The Sewing Circle, Needlecraft Dept., 82 Eighth mir-fae- e as Dueling; Pea-Shoote- eapons Was Twain's Iilea W Mark Twain once found himself a second In a duel and It wa3 up to him to suggest the weapons to be used. IIis first suggestion was at a miles distance. But as nobody would get hurt they wouldn't know how the duel came out The next suggestion, axes at one foots distance and ruled out ns altogether too serious. Eventually he got them to accept small pistols at a comparatively great distance. Dr. rieive's Favorite Proscription m.ihos weak women strong. hold by druggists in tablets or liquid. Adv, Needed Cure An sense of contempt would head off many a demagogue. able-bodie- d Heres Very Fast Way to Alkalize Acid-Indigesti- Away on Amazingly Fast Relief Now from Acid Indigestion Over Indulgence ; Nausea , and Upsets Ave., New York, N. Y. Eiffel Tower Modernized Into Television Structure Back In 1SS7-SAlexander Gustave Eiffel built the famous tower which bears his name for the International exposition In Faris. It wms then regarded as a mere engineerSober engineers deing stunt." clared it was faultily built and predicted It would be razed. Today, states a writer In the Washington Tost, Important as a meteorological and wireless station and guide for airmen, It still towers above Faris. A short time ago France added to Its usefulness by making It a station for the broadcast of television programs. An Interlaced Ironwork structure, the Eiffel Tower reaches a height of 9S1 feet. The many visitors who ascend, by stairway and elevator, to the circular balcony surrounding the glass pavilion which tops the tower can see 55 miles on clear days. frequent sufferer from acid stomach," use Phillips Milk of Magnesia SO minutes after meals. You'll forget you have a stomach! you want really quick relief IFfrom an upset or painful stomach condition arising from acidity following smoking, mixtures of foods or over-eatin- g, When you buy, see that any box or bottle you accept is clear- stimulants just try this: Take 2 teaspoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia in a 2 full glass of water. OR Milk of Magnesia Phillips Tablets, the exact equivalent of the liquid form. This acts almost immediately to alkalize the excess acid in the stomach. Neutralizes the acids that cause headaches, nausea, and indigestion pains. You feel results at once. if you are a Try it. AND ly marked Genuine Phillips Milk of Magnesia." SIGNS WHICH OFTEN ACID STOMACH INDICATE Pllll AFTER FtEtINC FAUNS SIECPLCSSNESS INDICIStICtt OF WEAKNESS MUSIA MDU1H LOSS OF APPETITE SOUR f REQUENT ACIDIIY STOMACH HEADACHES 0 saves the Pearl's x HE'S THE i'J swiped PEARLS'Jj pn-'- h A ! -L- '.Ml ,V DID DIZZY POUR IT IN ON HIM I OOK AT THE INK ON HIS SHIRT.1 V-'.'- i j ff rr- I,... 9 rbY lfX'U-.- x , V ll1 Vi r i4 (h1 v Ml T YOU FAST, M "v, SURE THINK DIZZYl HthEN EAT ir', h t f i ll S i F ... -- A; IF IT AIN'T LIMEY LOUIE I THE INTERNATIONAL JEWEL CROOK BOYS! GIRLS! Join V sV' 'mi' m j' V rV i i NOUR-K- NlSHINGFOOO AND WHAT ENERGY U LIKE GRAPE-NUT- S kV-YOHAVE I I WISH M IT TOPS THE YV v I HAD SOME OF IT H LEAGUE. I KNOW.pM EAT, ,T MYSEL,r V, j at I, t a j j x j THANKS .THANKS 'jj A LOT. MR. OEAN I a put ou FOR DIZZY i I CHAPTER XIX I was sailing on the sixth, on the Empress of Japan. But now RUTH'S lovely drawing room Im trying to persuade Ruth to go the shades bad been drawn with me, and I'd wait over a boat the hot spring sunlight that for her." her mother was descending In the west; the Ruth, why not? at the asked, surprised and interested. tea table had been placed on the Oh, Mother, thousands of reanorth windows that opened When Tony sons Larry." balcony. aw ringed little two perI should think It would be a arrived there were only and the womsons in the room: Ruth lovely trip for you," the older She was an Polhemus. Mra mildly. marvelous protested not more than Heres Ahhhl Ruth said. younger than Ruth, and dark and I" thirty, handsome Lnrry coral lips and black striking, with (TO BE COXTIWED) an Ivory skin. and hair shining said Tony Oh, just ourselves? Meaning of Deerl Oai was Introduced. smilingly, as she An onMS is usually defined as a a party! a desI thought it was Ruth said, fertile plate surrounded by a It was going to be, deserts Even though ert a kiss her face for Tony Is arid, there are, of course, Sut now If. Ju- -t Caroline and underground streams which flud nio. find their way to the surt0p And you Tony eclmud, plcnscd. face in the form of springs or ar..Jy brother, you know." Carl, tesian wells. Around these mater " Tony holes the land again becomes rich n,:eor c'lur'o1!8 fertile and supports many kinds chair, pan G and of tropical vegetation. Some oases sat down In a 'l said- - lllis a little, arc small and are Utile more than stopping places while others are Dei Caroline Inhabited permanently. Iuthfinder Magazine. It 1 Nipponese Tjpists Have tut 2,000 Characters to Master M' V Dizzy Dean Winners! Get Valuable Prizes FREE! y nitration br "in? M:X 5I, e Grape-Nut- s Send top from one package with Battle Creek, your name and address, to Grape-NutMich., for new membership pin and certificate and illustrated catalog of 49 nifty free prizes. Youll like crisp, delicious Grape-Nut- s it has a winning flavor all its own. Economical to serve, too, for two tablespoonfuls, with whole milk or cream and fruit, provide more varied nourishment than many a hearty meal. (Offer expires Dec. 31, 1936, Good only in the U. S. A ) A Pott Cereal mails by General Foods full-siz- Dan Winner Membership Pin. New 1916 solid bronze with red lettering. 1 Grape Nuts package-top- . lucky Rabbits Foot. Illunf rated in cartoon above, Jree for 2 Grape Nut parkac-tof- . Dizzy desipn, Free for -- w n u Graik Nuti, Ilattle Crerk, Muh. I enclose Grape Nut package topa lor rnd me the item(s) checked below: Name. Q Membership Pm (I pa kage top). Street Foot Rabbit kv Lui Q .State,. City (i package tops). ji a whicU |