Show British Doctors Report Success With ith Doses of Cold Vaccine Weekly LONDON Keep Keep a bottle of common cold vaccine vaccine in in your bedroom Once a week throughout through through- out the winter swallow a dose at night on an empty stomach This advice for protecting yourself your your- yourself self against colds and Influenza Is given by Drs David Thomson Rob nob Robert ert Thomson and E E. E T. T Thomson of St. St Pauls Paul's hospital here It Is based on their researches on oral vaccine vaccine vac vac vac- cine for colds and Influenza which they report to the British Medical Journal Doses Doses' of or the cold vaccine taJ taken en enthis this way since September gave protection pro against colds and influenza In spite of or considerable exposure to these diseases they report The vaccine does not produce toxic effects effects effects ef ef- provided It Is not taken more than once a n week The vaccine used Is made up of bacillus streptococci and another nose and throat germ known as ns M M. ca Ca- Serious colds coMs and und Influenza Infix enza are are In the opinion of or the En English English Eng Eng- lish physicians usually due secy sec sec- and sometimes primarily to those organisms or germs |