Show MYTON By Mrs 1 James Dalgleish Mr Wesley Vesley Lord of Wyoming P Pennsylvania was a week end guest at the home of Mr and Mrs Bliss Lott Mr lr Lord and Mr Lott were boyhood fri friends en d but had not Seen Been each other for or over thirty years Mr Andrew made a a. Business ru iness trip to Salt Lake City returning returning- home Monday evening Miss Essie Labrun of Roos Roosevelt velt was a gu guest t at the home of her herster Sister Cister ster Mrs R. R J. J Adams during the past we week weak lt Mrs Lionel Babcock and two children returned Tyr Tuesday Tur from Salt Lake City where the they had been visiting for several days Mr and Mrs Mm B. B L. L Dart left lett Friday for Ely and Pioche Nevada Nevada Nevada Neva Neva- da and other points They returned return return- od ed Monday evening reporting a a. pleasant trip Mr A. A M. M Todd who has been ill for several days was taken to I the th hospital at Roosevelt Roosevell on Tues TUES- day At the present writing he is reported ed to be somewhat what I ed Mr and Mrs Wm returned returned re Te- re- re I turned Tuesday evening from a short visit to Salt Laka Lake City Mrs F. F B. B Horsley spent Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- in Roosevelt on business Mrs Acel Bingham spent Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day visiting with h lr her r daughter in Roosevelt t. t Mrs Ralph Moe Moo and Mr Lea Les LeaMan Man Mang of Salt Lake City were in M Myton on business s 's s Tu Tuesday Mrs Wm Harris Harns who has b been n very ill lU for some time underwent an operation at the L. L D. D S. S hospital hospital hospital hos hos- pital In Salt Lake City Monday and is reported to be getting along along along a- a long nicely Mr Mrs Warren and children children children child child- ren of El Ei P Paso D D Texas arrived on Friday to spend the summer with h liar her r parents Mr and Mrs John Sr Mr and Mrs Airs Ted Miles and young son left Thursday for Salt La Lake City They had been the guests of Mrs Miles' Miles parents Mr and Mrs Wm Forsythe for tor several several several seve seve- ral days |