Show t t rR m mA A View of 01 tho the Great GroLl Bridge An viO view 1 of tho San Francisco Francisco Fran Fran- cisco cisco- Oakland cisco Oakland Bay Bridge with full details of construction will be cent Bent free to 10 any address upon request Also full information covering Engineering Engineering Engi Engi- courses in Diesel Electrical Mechanical Mining Aeronautical Radio Air Conditioning Chemical Civil Architectural Architectural Architectural tural and Structural Engineering Better Days Aro Are Hero Again end and young men m may y confidently look forward for lor- ward to real rod So f far ler r as I wo know bow ovary know every graduates of oi th this conc collego o la employed employed- l' l Address SS' SS 1 POLYTECHNIC ENGINEERING COLLEGE at Madison Madis n Oakland Calif Established In me 1513 Grants Degrees Part ti-ni ti employment for t f it t. t 0 0 o ofir fir firo o 0 0 DO 0 you suffer burning scanty or too frequent urination backache headache dizziness loss of energy leg pains swellings and puffiness under the thc eyes Are you tired nervous nerv nerv- ous ous feel feel all unstrung and dont don't know wh what t is is wrong Then give some thought to your yourl l kidneys Be sure they function properly properly proper proper- ly for functional kidney disorder permits permits per per- mits colts excess waste to stay in the blood and to poison and upset the whole system Use Doans Doan's Pills Doans Doan's are for the thel l kidneys only They are recommended the world over You can get the thc genuine gen gen- t Lime time tested Doans Doan's s 's at any drug store r em eT eTem ses aUT e C I ff ODd look m B ng Face Clear Again with Soap and Ointment Here Is a 3 letter every skin sufferer should read rend Its message Is ls vital There Thero were blemishes on my face of external origin and they made me look old and haggard They were red hard and large They would hurt and when I scratched them the skin would become Irritated and I t would lie lle awake at night and start digging pIggIng at nt my face But nut after using two cakes of ot Soap and one tin of Cuti Cuti- cura cum Ointment my face was cleared cleare again Signed Mrs L. L t 4 2nd St. St Floreffe Pa June 15 1 1033 1935 3 Physicians can understand such letters The formulas have proved their effectiveness for over half a R. century Remember Soap and Ointment are also for pimples plea pim pIes ples rashes ringworm burning of eczema an and other externally c caused used skin blemishes All AU druggists Soap Ointment Adv W 36 21 No o Need to o Suffer er tt r t S p Morning sickness sickness is is caused by an acid condition To avoid it acid must be offset by such alkalis such as magnesia Why Physicians Recommend Wafers These mint mint flavored flavored like candy wafers are aro pure puro milk of magnesia in solid form form form- the most pleasant way to take it Each wafer lafer is approximately equal to a full adult do doso so of liquid milk of magnesia Chewed thoroughly then swallowed they correct acidity in the mouth and throughout the tho digestive system and insure Quick qui complete complete com com- prete elimination of the waste matters that cause use gas h headaches bloated feelings and anda a n dozen other discomforts discomfort J Wafers come in bottles of 20 and 48 at and respectively and in inconvenient inconvenient in inconvenient convenient tins for your handbag containing containing contain contain- ing 12 at Each wafer is approximately approximate one ona adult dose of milk of magnesia A Allgood All Allgood good drug stores sell and recommend them St Start using these delicious effective anti laxative w wafers today Professional samples sent free to registered physicians or dentists if request is made on professional letterhead Products Product Inc St. St Long Island City N. N Y I I 8 bottles O tins tiffs Mu aCID ii Tho TAo Original Milk of 01 Magnesia a Wat Wafers on 4 |