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Show nt.ArrjM UINTAH BASIN RECORD. DUCHESNE. UTAH aPPurtea- - Sheriff lon, June C. C. C. Published by and in the interests of at Camp ionlt June ce. I Salt 1936. that Du-- 1 DBR-1- 1, Is your subscription paid up? -- C C C Co. No. - ' ,n lWl L. , r .. 19G8 By Romanza Mott (To Late For Last Week) Mrs. Julia M. Ivie was in town Monday on business. Mr. Ray Elison made a business trip to Salt Lake City last Tuesday. Mr. Victor Mott and M.ss Jewel White w'ere married Wednesday afternoon by Bishop Clarence Ivie. Following the ceremony a delic- Bridgeland, Utah rio Editorials Visits Camp Chaplain Bennion evening at 8:30 Wain Wayne L. Bannion, held Services in the Mess Hall. A Jiod crowd was in attendance. were 'sung by the Many songs among which rounds and jr3em rhymes were acted out. . ne group singing was interspers-vocal solos sung by Donald Lerickson of Salt Lake City, the Chaplain. vbo accompanied Users REFLECTIONS pr. rented the entire collection to Captain Curtis with b st wishes from the tinting class. This class s conducted by the Assistant Educational Advier, Evan W. Workman. I cannot agree with you in all respects. Many states have enrollees from outside the state and the state cannot afford to assist in their education. Chairman Morris: Mr. S , 1 P a n y, thank le you for your most excellent Appij. the laws ,0 response and I delight in taking i . Point ot l v.i win l lc ,:S A definite issue with you: This is Were organized to use oi , point out and a national program wrhich is to the members of the cerned with every youth in om some the educational ca- This program fis conctjmxd real human beings, not problems cctoftire confronting the Educa- - with Mr. Morris continued, ii i to : Donald is a brother to Ensign tional Advisers. Mr. Morris was dimes. our camp. Young chosen chairman of one of the The various states have producpyjerickson, of year, ed these boys, and these condiaccompanied hims- committees. u frederickson the After with the guitar. tions, and the National Governelf the chair of choosing ; The Chaplain very interestingly man, Dr. M.mll stated: We shall ment is spending its millions in which L a short talk, followed by En-jW. 963 ' appreciate hearing from Mr. Mor- every state in an attempt to overFrederickson showing seven ris, the Adviser of the Bridgeland come the unfortunate conditions. r. 3 S., No state can afford to neglect its ls of movies with his machine. ised to Camp. colored. Among the Mr. Chairman and fellow Ad responsibility. ad era- One reel was Every state and were scenes from the visers, Mr. Morris . NEU every citizen within a state must jjes flashed responded, was formerly am in tire ec. 35, battleship which he employment of the visualize the importance of these L It is i on the out project showing gieatest government on earth; I conditions and set about to share v id wa- - : working; cement am working in the most import the burdens." In conclusion Adthe drag line about the camp ant branch of the that govern viser Morris illustrated, Also etc. Willie canal ' hearing, s 18 Sowing the enrollees. These were ment. The welfare and deg. betterment Smith, whose home conditions are M Ei ! by the enrol of American Youth. I am happy in rather favorable, goes through very much enjoyed , USB lees. my work because I have not for- and completes high school and ber 15 morning class gotten that I was once a boy and never contributes a farthing. His In the Thursday d use Jack Jones, whose I love to work with boys. I feel companion, he Chaplain occupied the time by to home are unfortunate finances to the stress Better and of on that the strain the Way talking did not finds it necessary to join the CCC. wot Live. depression 1 He is thus robbed of the educaand chaplain Bennions visits to our make CCC boys. I believe it disSWH to us. covered them. Since upwards of tional possibilities which should camp are always a delight in T. two million American boys have be his. Added to this he contriffe wish to thank h'm' for bringiof his earnings and been on the CCC list I am cer- butes five-sixtng along part of the program, to his family and town which in 'nated that enjoyewill with Frederickson Donald mq, tain agree you hope the taxes that go to the ce as ! d his visit and will return again this is the most significant dis- part pays education of Willie Smith. A more aoon. covery of any and all times, Mr. Morris went further, I am heart outrageous 'injustice has never Many Flowers Transplanted been perpetrated on an American the j I Tuesday evening a number of and soul for these fine fellows and to can I youth. all do sub- - ; I fellows from barracks No. 2, with to endeavor shall I Our Adviser returned to camp in i I James Conti as a leader transfassist them while they are with Sunday evening full of new ideas vital flow-er- s the of their front ee in us. But, gentlemen, planted to carry on the Eduand raring us in putbarracks. problem that confronts cational program in a wiser and the of root at the ax No. 5 barrack was spaded the ting more efficient manner. condiby enrolles Ted Wareham tree that produced CCC While our Adviser was at the The transp- tions. I shall limit th.s preliminand Royal S. Mace. he p archaised six Convention eduof fields two to by ary report lanting was accomplished brushes for the tinthair Camels Jack Funk and Ervin Ivie. cation: The religious programs class. barring proeducational of front states The two plots in and the Mr. Morris also took many picacks 3 were spaded but as yet gram. from which he had several tures in not been The Religious Program lowers have placed made. These enenlargements are agrethe plots. (1) The Committee are for the boys to Enrollee Gerdel Marshall spent ed that the CCC camps offer an largements tint. instruc and afternoon spading Monday extremely fertilefield for cCc fencing in front of barrack 4. tion of Spiritual matters. know should We something of barrrare opportunity Wells Smiths plot between (2) That this backstudents the biological acks No. 1 and 2 and Albert ha3 gone unrecognized or unapbefore trying to teach ground church various barracks the Vognenic's plot between propriated by him. Mo. 2 and 3, and James Distifanos 6S. cCc enthe 1 are tha No. in main, plot in front of barrack (3) That, 4 Wins Blue Flag No. Barracks of all looking nice and the boys feel rollee perronnel, is made up of the blue winner This weeks quite encouraged. individuals whose spiritual backto barrack No. 4. goes has flag cCc ground and religious training So far, it seems that the flag Bridgeland Camp Educational De been inadequat3 for the produchas not been retained by any barAmeriof partment Gets Much Publicity tion of tha finer types rack for two or more successive During the past week all the can Citizenship. weeks. Good work fellows! concerted Educational Advisers of the Fort cCc (4) That through a Douglas and Pocatello Districts effort on the part of tha various Photography authoriConvention church organizations and met in an Advisers Our Adviser was absent during and Training School held in the ties, much good could be accom- the week, but the class in photoUtah State Agricultural College, plished if properly trained people graphy convened as usual. The Logan, Utah. bearing a real spiritual message, roll call showed seventeen in atof the could ba sent by them into the tendance. Dr. Francis Kirkham, National Youth Movement, Wash-ffltocamps During the week eight rolls of D. C., Captain Keith K. "That such a spiritual or film have (5) developed. Many y Tatom and Dr. Reynold C. Merrreligious program would grea pjCtur2S have been printed andill, District Educational Adviser augment or enhance the present nQw Mr. Morri3 has ten enlargeof Fort Douglas, were the visiting camp educational program, ments of pictures he took while facts speakers. Dr. Kirkham had never That was in Logan at the convenhe (6) had personal contact with C. C. C these matters should be acsembl tion. Educational problems and after ed and properly arranged and It is anticipated that develophearing Advisers report from the then presented to the properly ing, printing, enlargements and retvarious camps it is believed ha church author.ties of tinting will go strong this week. constituted urned to his office much the wiscamp of cCc fering the 'support of tha church er. the that Vernon Peterson, Distficiais, requesting Captain orthe es Tha extensive training, rict Inspector visited our camp arrange for and create an would broad experience, the human eleobjective whose Tuesday. ganization ment, the sympathetic attention be the spiritual elevation of the cCc and the spontaneous humor of CCC of America. those who spent the Among boys our heart- week end at home were: Aaron met with the Captain Tatom (7) That we extend heartiest appreciation of every iest appreciation to the Army Williams, David Clark, Keith Jenwork Adviser. sen, Newell Day, Jack White, Chaplains for the excellent Dr. Merrill organized and conHerman Wooley, Lynn Weight. that they are attempting. ducted the convention. cCc Presents States F.du. Program: Duing one of his discussions in Tom Majnik is assisting in the That the CCC camps educaconthe forepart of the convention Dr. tional program is carrying Army Office this week. Merrill made this statement, ac- siderable of the educational bur-d.- n cCc AdCannon cording to Mr. Morris, to the spent the week of the States: VIZ: Captain come with- end visiting w.th his family. visers: One of the greatest evi(1) Enrollees ages dences that C. C. C. boys desire in the educational age limits of cCc rcgula-tiongood things and .respond to favorMyrlin Nielsen has built a very the States educational able environment is seen at the artistic fence around his plot of status educational the Bridgeland Camp. Mr. Morris, flowers between barracks No. 1 (2) That their Adviser, has requested that of the enrollees is evidence that and 2. the boys do not smoke while in Siis educational progress and accCc the classes or during entertainments 1 believe Ill buy a farm, says complishments are far below This request has met with 100 per standards that might be hoped Mackie Honey. an cent response and I consider it cCc for. The state carries no responsiin these of education Furnishes Fossils Hulo Adviser the outstanding accompLshment for Dr. bility thousands of boys. fos-.il- s the educational program. contributed the Among many fosMerrill further stated, "I wish to (3) That the educational pro- to our collection were three sil oysters. These were presented congratulate the boys of Company grams of the past are highly s 1968. to our Adviser by Adviser Sumfor the educational Our Adviser reports that other of the present enrollee. Gen- ner E. Hale, Educational Adviser Advisers from the various camps tlemen, Someone has blundered. at the Escalante CCC Camp. who receive the C. C. C. Reflectday Thank you, Adviser Hale. (4) That the pre-en- t ions, lost no time 'in inquiring world cf mechanics and construcRipley Missed This One of him the details concerning the to Aaron Williams returned to tion demands a curriculum fields of endeavor. the-- ' tinting of photographs and lan- m-camp after a week home with cnrol-le- ? tern slides. These inquires came so Mrs. Williams. Mrs. Williams was the school-ag- e That (5) the fast, states Mr. Morris, that he Aaron was feeil.ng sick and for afraid more than is paying was requested to write the infor- education h? does not get, while feared he was running a temperOur mation on the blackboard. his buddy at bom gets the edu- ature. The doctor was calld and Adviser had taken with him sev- cation he tlos not pay for." found his temperature to be 2 SOOo! suberal tinted and untinted pictuics degrees below normal and That the above mentioned cCc and those were exhib.ted before ones be additional with jects the convention. The photographs Hefty Weight: "Youre Crazy. properly a s mbl d and arranged who bore the name of the boys Edu State's Punk Shelton: "Yes, n youre the to and presented lid tlve tinting, and in most cas s cational author ties, said Mr. Mordrunk." these W'ere the first attempts at th dr recognition Hefty: I say, youre crazy." ris, requesting included: uch art. The names Tunk: "Yes, and youre drunk. se mattes and veiling of th Paul Johannes n, Evan W. Work"Sure, but Ill be sober booperation," man, Jamts Conti, Lister Ci school tomorrow. of their (1) "Avaiial lity cCc man, Donald Glenn, James Dsti-anrooms, teach rs, t aching equipClarence The Floral Program ent rtainment proment. Thompson, Harvey gynn Varner and Arthur Doty. Wlvn Mr. Moiris returned from grams, etc. bau-tifu- l Our very popular Chaplain, (2) Cooperation of (heir teach- Lo'ym he brought eighteen the to add to aptain Theodore E. Curtis, re- ing force with the Educational potted plants d corations of the Hall of Li aimlucted the loan of these pictures grams of CCO Camp--- . or exhibition purposes in the Mr. S : Mr. Morris, I bleve ing. There wt re eleven geraniums, urious camps, according to Mr you have i it upon som v ry imone petunia, one large leaved beTurns. Instead of a loan Mr. Mor- but educational gonia and six coleus. problems, portant ORS6 THAN MORE LIVES WERE LOST IN Ameri-conventio- DANGEROUS 1 THE UNITED STATES - ACCIDENTS BY AUTO IN THE LAST S YEARS MANY THE 6E.E IN Com-App- MORE ARE K.LLED IN ACCIDENTS AFTER DUSt j THAN DURING DAYTIME THE WORLD WAR. DURING , IR 4 MALCOLM T TAICES ON A 97 AND A CAR GOING 20 MILES FEET TO STOP 40 CAR GOING HOUR MILES AN 152 FEET TO STOP 50 CANDIES Are the Best! Our Service Is Always Courteous SMITH Pool Hall DVRYL and DOUG IN A RECENT MAGAZINE ARTICLE TO STOP A CAR GOING AN HOUR SOFT DRINKS CAMPBELL 24 THE AVERAGE TOBACCOS turkey supper was served to a few close friends and relatives by Mrs. Myron Mott and Mrs. Wh.te. Later in the evening a large crowd gathered at the hall and enjoyed the wedding dance. Mr. and Mis. Royal Mezenen were town busiiUSs visitors on Monday. Word has been received from Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rowley that they are enjoying their home in California. Beth, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Muir fell In a tub of hot ashes Wednesday night receiving serious bums on her hands and face. THAN SHOW THAT THAN WERE KIUED OR DIED OP WOUNDS IN BATTLE ious IGHT FAR MORE con-prese- nt Our SAYS HAS STERLING TRANSPORTATION CO. FIFTY MILES AN HOUR IS FAST ENOUGH FOR ME DRIVEN HE Uintah Uatdu To HIS RACING CARAT THE RATE. OF MILES AN HOUR. 300 WHY MUST YOU EAST From Suit Lake, Provo & Intermediate Points MILES AN HOUR. GO & ? I EASTERN UTAH TRANSPORTATION CO. The Graduate And Opportunity By RAYMOND PITCAIRN National Chairman - Sentinels of the Republic From high schools and colleges throughout our nation thousands of young Americans are striding forth as this is written, in eager search of opportunity to prove their powers. What words of encouragement are offered them? That depends on whose messages they hear. At many commencement exercises real words of inspiration have been spoken. But from other platforms, from the lips of the new economic continues and political to sound that philosophy of despair ' adopted in recent years from the fears and the pessimism of Europe. It seels to convince young America that the era of opportunity is ended; that pride in ones own strength is not and courage and that only futile, but youth must learn to depend on government and the politicians to guide its life and supply its wants. doctrine. It is an The career of Abraham Lincoln, who rose from the log cabin to the pinnacle of statesmanship, has proved its falsity. So have the lives of the Wright brothers, who began as bicycle repair men and gave us the airplane; of Edison, the train boy, who made electricity perform new e miracles; of Henry Ford, obscure mechanic and of countless American leaders in our public and professional and commercial life today. Such men would have turned deaf of Ameriears to that swan-soncanism which now swells from so large a group of our politicians. They the Eagles listened instead to Song; to be staunch and valiant, and free, and strong." Despite the newer pessimists, America continues to offer careers to all who bear that message. Opportunity, like Freedom, has Itill a continent to live in. soolh-sayer- -- n, one-tim- Uintah Busin To From Price and Intermediate Points Every Day Service Each Way By Mrs. Ethel L. Curran Mr. and Mrs. Billy Hickox of Antlers, Colorado are visiting at the Emry home. Mr. and Mrs. Oren Turnbow ot Price were visiting relatives here Saturday. Mrs. Carl MarsLng & Better Light Better Sight and family and Mrs. Zella Grant and family were calling on friends in this neighborhood Sunday. The community takes this op portunity to wish Ray Thomas and his bride all the happiness possible in their married life. Ray has lived in this town for many years and has won the respect ot everyone. Neil Slane was calling at the Emry home last week. Joe and Ken Claybum and Melba and Claud Curran were visitors at the Mecham home Sunday. HAH Emm Rubber iq Goldenrod Different varieties of goldenrod contain from 0.5 to C.34 per cent of L2 rubber. ts" POWER A LIGHT IS 101)1 MOST CO. SEllill FFICIEM 4 Wulcla your Family take to tiiat 7A g i Give us Walch Itnd start to grin at that performame and again when he looks into costs! V-- Watch Mother relax in the wide rear seal and not even know when the road turns rough! yonr Job Printing! Watch the Vouua! tore try not to look too proud at the s superi- A Wealth ority on hills and in traflie. s. LVi4 V.'N, X V. I BEFORE Of Materials FOR SUITS AND OVERCOATS r H-ft- 8 8 p low-prie- e 1 w et th-ri- great 1936 Ford V-- through its paces! the only T-- car below $1613. Feel its 85 horsepower under your toe, flowring smooth as silk. Experience for yourself the pick-uand easy change of pace that make driving a Ford so different from driving oilier cars. Learn what a whole new world of fine performance this modern engine opens to you! Then notice the riding comfort of a 123" spring-ba.11 inches longer than wheelbase. The security that ranges from steel body with safety glass throughout to Lig, Ford Super-Safetbrakes. Think of the proved economy of this car with owners reporting gas mileage equal to that of less powerful ears, and no oil added between regular changes. Your Ford Dealer urges you to try these advantages today. They have won over 2,500,000 American first motorists since 1932. They placed the Ford sales last in among all cars year. They're certainly north knowing before you choose any new car! Dt ive st-tu- dioose any new car at your house, you SPECIAL! While present materials last you can get a made to m asuiv overcoat from any materials in our line at...... $16.93 Regularly $22.75 Extra priced at from to $3!),75 Pants Free With Suit Many Patterns in Our Line SiHSital Reduction Throughout! A lc postcard will bring me and rny complete line to your home or office On any-wher- e. sure-stoppin- g y V'-- 8 .riinow A CAR FROM YOUR FORD DEALER ' W m Performance ts lilt lleonoitiy Term as low as $25 a month, after dow.i a mouth payimnt, under new ICC plans. Prices $510 and lip. l'Ull Detroit, including Safety (Hass throughout in every body t..e. Standard asfvmrv group extra. 1 TODAY AM) GET THAT V-- 8 rrELING! -- Wilford Thompson Duchesne, Utah. PIERSON MOTOR COMPANY, D UCTH SN E |