Show I LI LIST T Of cli CASUALTIES IN S SAN N FRANCISCO Washington April 21 The remain remainIng remainIng Ing lug casualtIes are arc us UI follows Anderson Charles Harrett Barrett Fannie I W Hock Bock William Hur Barge e K I 1 O 0 Butler Hulle F J F Pat I Prank leo Oco A 0 O Frank Frnnk Henry Brown Ceo Oeo Broderick Robert L LLyon I IIron Lyon Iron Mrs Carrick William Cooper J K IC 1 Ca no way J n fl Carom Curau child chillI Mattl Do Brunner Mrs Merle Marie Do HL lII Mary 1 cry Enger or Lords S 8 Kay Fey Fenner Fennor Mo Ma Gallagher Joseph Jospph letl or Gets male mille Green Orcen George Gross dross Mr Mrs a nil O 0 Mr Mrs rp Ma Ida 0 O male N K F Jo hanson Henry A U n Higgins Houston A body to be bo Japanese e John Mr Ir 0 Mrs Johnson Child Chilli Walter Nicholas Krou rou cr er Rudolph J 3 JIrout rattle male o lender Lander Alfred Louis louls J 14 Eugene BUllene Mawney Mrs McCarthy Mearthy Hobort Hobert McKenzie leyers eyers Joseph Josoph J Muge hll Myrtle M I John hako Japanese se Nauman K Fl C e eOY Nyc OY J I 1 Nicholas George aul child in Frnnk ONeill O Paolo ONeill Thomas Thoman Kenan Henan lung Mrs Mis Elizabeth loanna woman Frank Krank karn nh Japanese A and wife I Henry on C Caroline Sherry Shern Temperance William P II I baby Stol Stel Lillian L I Sullivan D T r I Ire fire chief t riled died from I Injuries ml Dr Charles s F Los Angeles II 11 C shot Mint r by guard April 23 3 Van nn ant Slink SlIck Mary S H SVan SlIn Van Vain lIn F Ward Word Julia JulU Whalon Annie Webster Annie Annle Weir John Paul lii Unknown women 10 Unknown children 6 unknown C G Unknown ex sex leX not 21 Although bk report very vry material materially ly h reduces the tho death list of San Han Fran ChICO It Is not nol believed It will swill bo ho fur further further ther increased save cave by ly Isolated vic victim victims tim tims among tIne the ruins Signed d |