Show A 8 CAMPBELL p i Block macic Broker 21 D F Jo Walker mock Block f CANNON BROS DROB BROKERS II l 24 H FJ 1 Bo So Temple Tel no Ind I Bell Dell Ji iwi J i I Stock Broker Droker i Il 11 Bell m L UI 1 B S M MaIn ln at SL t i Th B n M West We at Co Stock Brokers I n D V 1 0 Walker mock Block Tel re Te J F r R H Snow Co Stock Brokon 22 Commercial mock k tOoth Roth Phones 1073 I iii II r NEW UTAH CORPORATION f Articles lili of Clr r tuto t lS I Authorized II I ii il In I I Tho Mesa Mining nuil Mill Milling lilI lilII I ing ln company of oC Gram Junction Colo Ch A II copy ON of oC lt Its 1111 articles or of Incorporation II with tho it tato Inday hl of ot the tho corn com company cornI I pany pall lit IN divided Into tnt f nf ot tho th value of or o tl S1 each lul h A board J nt of Rovon director ril will thu ImM bul hll l 2 nt neu of ot the tl company until tho J I election The company owns own 4 U i nome mining claims In III tho the I ern Irn em part ut Lt I PROSPECTS PROSPECT FAVORABLE I 1 i In lIeU Property I t May In Ia lio 10 for fill for tur Years t to toine i 04 n port from the Little 1111 lIeU Hell con continue conI I I of n a favorable ami thoo I I l In a Il position to tn know inow ny ay the thi th property 4 1 11 Is l very ery Hupt J II JI I lt ti wn woe In town lOll anil snit eald be lie lielS lS 1 considered the bitter better worth til 20 0 t today than 0 90 days II 1 tint n a 1 aft ft 14 L Improvement In the I 1 may be he looked for tor for to come ComeI j WHY I ta lari II torpid told liver lv r wh when n the ti only enly liver regulator will help you Thero Thera j II ti no reason reanon why you Oll BUrrer from I D ne tp p pla Chills Chute and nd rev I er r or any Rny liver JI I will 1111 cure cur you F C vAlte KU Fl I r p wrt wr tell i I 1 waR wan tick for a month with I l chilli and fever feer rind after ICier taking two hot bot hott t tin ti of Herbin urn am well ell nd h healthy althy l gold old by hy Z C M If I 1 Drug D Dept pt n 11 and Ind ill South Main t II 11 tIL tILL L The Original Laxative lIe Cough Syrup Is I f Kennedys Laxative Inathe Honey and Tar It all nil cold coil from the tho system eystein by acting as a 1 cathartic on th the bowels Kennedys Laxative Honey lIoney and and nd Tar Is Isa Isa l la a certain cafe and harmless 8 cure for colds croup and whooping cough cou h Hold Fold by F C Schramm druggist where the cars can oton aton To lo draw the fire out of ot a burn heal a Ii cut without leaving a n scar or to cure curs bolls holls sores sore tetter letter eczema and nil all skin ekin and dl use IIse Do De Witts Witch Hazel Hazol Salve A specific for tor plies piles Get the genuine No o 0 remedy causel cau such elich speedy relief relict Ask for the genuine Sold by b F Jo C Schramm dur where the cars care stop CHINA SALE BALD Now 01 me ate nt at 28 16 2 n r F First So Studio room 34 3 I Hooper Block CALIFORNIA EXCURSIONS April to May Inclusive Tho The following low lo rates tram from Laki will bo be made via la In the Oregon Short hort Line LIM Ban co and return via Ia Ogden S P I 1 direct San ian Francisco and return vt U Ia Portland one way BOo lo Angeles and return via 1 Og Ogden Ogden den S 81 t P 1 direct Los Jol IM Angeles and return via I Port Portland land lanil one olle wn GO Tickets good If for tor return to July 31 II Pee ReI e for tor further particulars City Ticket omco 01 Main St FULL OF TRAGIC MEANING these the lines from J H n Simmons of ot Casey la Ia Think what might have hao re TO resulted from his nig terrible cough If he had hadnot hadnot not taken the tho medicine about which he ha I 1 had a II fearful cough that disturbed my m nights rest I tried everything er but nothing would woold relieve r It until I 1 took Dr Kings New DIs DIR DIscovery Discovery covery coer for rOI Consumption Coughs and Colds old which completely cured me m Instantly relieves and permanently cures curea all throat and lung diseases pre pro prevents vents grip and pneumonia At Z C M 1 I Drug Store South Main M ln Street guaranteed SOc and MOO Trial bottle boUle free tr I O 0 O 0 F Anniversary All 11 Odd Fellows and their friends nr lire are Invited to attend exercises nt at Barrett Hall hail on Thursday April at nt 8 S All Odd Fellows are expect expected ed to participate In a n parade and meet nt lit IO I 1 O 0 O 0 F Temple at 7 1 sharp J T O G SOUTHERN Chairman A 4 J J 1 WILSON Secretary ONLY To Los LOll Angeles Angelee and Return Via Ia San Ban Francisco Francieco and the tho 0 O S I IS L 8 S P l Lines LlIe April to May a In Inclusive Tickets good goad for tor return to July Jul 3 t See Pee dents CITY TICKET OFFICE OI FICE Main St NOTIOn NOTICE The rh public pUblio Is IR warned against nr the tha purchase of or the tho following stocks stolen from tho thu Davis County bank on the morning of tha tho th Five hares Davis County bank favor J 1 M 1 Three shares Z C M I r I favor of ot Emily Stevenson Seven shares Z C M I I J favor Eliza Ellia 1 lIza K 1 Grant rant One hundred l and tW shares nl ert Livestock favor C e H II Hamp Hampton ton Onn On and I IOn shares Livestock favor Israel Barlow Darlow Nine Nino Inc and shares chares Deseret Livestock favor Israel Barlow Eighty I Khares Bountiful Lumber Building favor L S 8 Heywood I wood One Cnn hundred shares ton Manufacturing company favor ta or Jacob Miller One OM hundred and ten shares same atno fa ta for tor J 3 M II Five shares Ah Barton Creek Ir Jr com corn company pany favor or K 1 Fiftysix shares phares Barton Creek Ir company favor A t Six HIx SharoN Barton Harton Creek Ir lr company favor 0 e Sessions Nine Nino Ino shares Stone Creek Ir company favor faor Twenty went hares North Canyon Ir Jr company compan favor of ot William Villiam 1 J Houlton Two shares thares North orth Cottonwood Irrl Irrigation gation Co favor ehl Palmer One huro Con COli Machine Co Cn JaM Jus It H Ten ell Davis DIlI Weber Co Canal favor James Five shares Weber Co Cn Ca flat favor Horton L Two iwo shares Davis Dals it Weber Co Canal favor faor John A Waite Walte Jr shares Wood Cross Can Canning lung ning A Pickling company favor Joseph JosephT Jo eph T 1 Mabey Ilabe One Ono hundred shares Idaho Sugar company favor Thoman Thonia Steed Two TWI shares harlA Savings bank fa ta faor faor or nr Miry Mary I lr K I 1 Stevenson I shares haree harl William A Hyde de deC t Cn C Downey Downe Ida K E To 0 O 1 King DAVIS DAIS DA COUNTY BANK Jum BANKA JumI IIA A L I 1 Cashier New Private Wire Service I JAMES A AI POLLOCK GO CO I BANKERS and BROKERS No 0 W Second South louth St It t Salt Snit Lake Ink City Olty Utah Orders Or Promptly Executed d 4 In Storks k Bondi Cotton Grain Drain and Iro vie lone Private Leased Virte With 1 10 Ti ran Jan and antI Corr Corresponding M Members mb rs N Ne ew w York Tork Stock New NewYork NewYork NewYork York Cotton olton nr Boston oston Doston Stock Exchange Baud of 0 Trade Trad We Wa Handle All Prominent Utah Mining und Corn Com Sp Bp Special Carpet Sweepers for 1230 at the L I 1 X L I Removal Sale u u r I Dont Wait Vait for Lumber to toA Advance A Buy Now CEO I i ROMNEY I LUMBER co GO GOO coo O 0 D ROMNEY HOMNEY Mgr 00 eEl NORTH FIRST WEST h c Refrigerator Sale I I Our sale on refrigerators during the past day has been very heavy and we will continue to run this sale the balance of the week The Famous North Star Refrigerators are selling at from upward Pick yours out o t now while the stock is large and complete YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Freed F j Furniture I Carpet Co 18 to 40 EAST THIRD SOUTH STREET F m THE UNITED STATES STA TES SMELTING TING CO COIS IS NOW IN THE MARKET For All AU Kind Kindt of q Lead anti and Copper C pr prOm O ore Om at t PRICES FAVORABLE TO SHIPPERS MANUFACTURERS I AND MERCHANTS Got Acquainted Excursion Via D DR DR DR R O G to ManU Mantl April I Faro Karo round trip Everybody In military band In attend attendance ance anco Good speakers to Boost Utah and H Her r DELINQUENT NOTICE IM Century C OoM M I M I Co pal il place of ot business Holt Bait Lake rake City lIt ua Utah tab Notice There Is U delinquent on Inc tM following de stock on account of 01 nt No 18 iS levied on the tha th of 01 March larch the several amounts set sOl op OI iK tt the names of or tho the respective share shareholders shareholder holders holder as follows collow No of at io 0 of Name ame Cert Cerl I l M II West eit HI 1199 21 t I 40 00 13 l I M Vet ht 2801 21 2 1 IW V If 21 Wm m Wood Jr 1631 1651 l Jr 10 20 21 Win m Wood Jr 2 J lit 1 20 Wm m Wood Jr 10 2 Mm ire Catherine Smith 1703 ao 10 Mrs Irs Catherine Smith 1752 1753 2 m 40 A 4 S 03 Campbell Camphell 2107 2161 10 20 1 A S 8 Campbell 2163 21 31 1 l 10 2 W V W v 2169 IW Spencer Claw Clawson son I 00 14 IHO TO Spencer SI Jr 1517 1511 CO m 0 1000 Jas A Pollock lollock Co 10 10 20 2 11 H L Xi I Nel on 1 a 2 Id lOt 20 Dr lr C M I Benedict 66 11 L 1 A Copeland Copela nIl MO h 10 T 1 Plummer 2022 20 60 Lorenzo T r Plummer 21 20 4 41 40 Jus Jas JIt Ingebretsen 2 m Jas Jail IW 10 II 21 20 Jus ingebretsen 3 m 0 0 4 40 Oo Jan Jas JOir 2010 K Ir 20 Jan Jag JR 2180 21 9 M 0 J 10 11 Chas Gardner JOO 40 41 T F C 2103 20 Chas Chan Goodo Good Wl R I 20 30 W lv J I Julia Julin 13 H 1 S MO 20 00 40 0 I Julia n fl na lIns If 00 40 I Julia JUlin U 2 1 n 71 IW O h 1000 Julia K 1 1082 IOS OT W 41 1000 O C A rt 24 21 2 M 00 Krel 1421 Fred 1422 1122 ino 2 21 OI lo C Madsen 2203 M 1800 1 t II 11 11 30 60 o Ulan A Smith 36 69 HO 10 1 20 A IO 11 21 Ilaa A Smith 10 II 21 20 A Smith 32 10 20 21 liae A It Smith 79 fA CM 10 llian A II Smith Mi 10 W 20 liu A Smith 44 4 11 10 W 20 I A II smith 4 1 10 sto IW 1 A Smith 46 4 id IC 20 ICo A Smith Hi ICO IC 24 Elms A Smith 4 W SOO 20 I Ullas A Smith 00 0 40 U KM A Smith LW I i IW 10 II 20 OO A II Smith IW I i W tro IC BW 20 1 A 1 t 1310 3 11 2 20 W II II A Smith U 10 It 21 Kilns J lIn A Smith U 1 tOo 10 W 20 ImAR A Smith 10 2 1 Jlian A Smith J 1103 3 IW 10 20 1 KUAN A Smith 12 l t HO It H 1 Kilns 1 A Smith U UM 1265 Id 10 II 21 20 Kilns Eltas A Smith U tz IW 10 1 A Smith 1 07 01 0 11 A Smith KJ tO J WW NII A Smith KO 50 10 KHAR A I Smith US 1191 lI Vi Aft Elias A I IW Wi Zi 1000 lIae A Smith 1501 W of 43 1010 Kilns A Smith 1503 W Go 9 Ella A 1603 S lW A Smith Iro l 10 1 SM 21 A Smith i 4 ik 00 10 1003 1 lIns A Smith M M 9 10 10 And Alit In accordance with law Ian and an an or order r rIler der Iler of If the tha Hoard of or Directors made on tho thi day of March 1004 I so RO o many eliares R of ot each cacti PaTrol parrel of lit uch such stock nn se may ba he n cl Hr will wili be old cold at nt the tho of ot tho the company M 51 Hast Iut Fut First South Street Salt Lake City elt Utah on tho the day lit of ot o May nt at 3 p m rn to pay the de delinquent n os ment together with the tho cost of or and expense eXI n 6 of ot sale saleIt It n W No o 0 tl 81 Jn st t First South Houth Street or P 1 0 O 1 Box IO Salt City tush Dated April 23 3 1506 1006 20 u V s Deseret National Bank B Salt U Lake Lk City I O l BurDin Safety Deposit Dose Boies for tor Kent KentL ten L S 8 1111 rr ild nt MOMS os Thatcher Vice ce Pr President ild nt II It B S Young Toung Cashier Cashler U B S Hill Cashier Ct hl r rA Address All Communications Communication cation to SALT LAKE UTAH AU All Shipment u II Follows U jit J Stats Stat Sm Company Junction Utah Ulah IT T WK n Shipment in Mad Mid leue NOTIFY US PROMPTLY and if iI Publio Public Simpler I a d gnats Lieh cn oai tl ilso allO o J out one oa mayer un r rZ Z ST A OF UTAH S tb ISM 1190 account of Bank Banki sad 1114 ad Individuals and extends to cua eu nun every v reasonable courtesy Md 4 facility fM 7 D Smith President Wm B D Preston VIce Pr nt Chari S B Burton H N T McEwan Aut Apt Established UM 15 Utah Commercial Savings Bank BankC Capital C mi F r ARMSTRONG BYRON DYRON C hl r t Commercial In all aJl Iti III it Brunches Four p per r cent ent paid on deposits ACCOUNTS SOLICITED T SAVINGS BANK BANH i iw W W r President Mose Moses ht hen hel Viol Via to Eilas EIs A r U B a Hills John R Ii n Barnes Darne John C C tutler David ccle X A W V Caloo Q 00 Gsa J 3 IL I K m 1 It I It teed Smoot W F Jam Jamas Tour Fur I Pe Per r Cent Interest Paid on Savings j x r H If 1 P cume CLAflI President Cashier OPEN OPE AN ACCOUNT ACCOUNT WITH Commercial National Bank An Exponent of ot Con Co Corn with Ent a aA A H Ii I lh PEABODY A Aut Aest at Cashier W WALKER l f BROS O 1 BANKER m Incorporated IbO B I 1 0 ED TUB SALT Aur L tA CT TiE Au mA Of 01 WELLS E LIB KA Y OU 4 CO fl N U f ty Dep Dp Itt ln ll xe for tor flent TrY L Letter tt rs of ot Credit Available All Al Parts Jar of ot tn ins Ine World WE INVITE INIE YOUR ACCOUNT McCornick McComick Co CoLT BANKERS ALT LT LAKE CITY CIT UTAH Established mI 1173 National Bank of The Republic U 8 S DEPOSITORY PRANK FRANK KNOX President nt FANK A prel nr Cs er W V F ADAMS CAPITAL CAPITALA AND MW 8 RP U UA IS A thoroughly modern mo orn d meat conducted In tn connection with will th this Pent bank lt Hat deposit bout bones for lor forR tint R G Dun Co Cout 1 1 ut Ot t THE AGENCY THi nu Rut flut l Genera W Idalo Idaho n nT T evid Utah aid ird Wyoming la In Pro re Building Salt BaJt L City CI Utah |