Show M MEN SHOT DOWN I ON THE IN TANI I I Deseret News Correspondent Tells of Fatal Fata Results of II 1 Disobedience IL IMPRESSED INTO HARD LABOR 1 jt t How News Photographer Was Wasti ti Taken From His Task to i Knead Dough DoughI I of ot Horror I mid llIel Death 4 ni rn r Out Jut mid Do Ic Ick k Correspondence N Oakland ni April 23 At this th wilt viR wilting viRti ti ing Ine any Rn news the thc majority m U L j of ot Salt aU anil nah people who or ore Imprisoned In n the HIP city dt nf nt San Ban l Is I very tr i LJ meager However no great anxiety eed be he e felt rit ns nR n to their There ThereIn Ih 0 I IfA 4 In fA i no nu e tar tor or ilia nil ns a supplies nr nI pI t rushed Into I Pi the city find just an its soon noon as liS n the home order for tor a It man to 10 mok mik mikIL it IL 1 round of ot the different camps It I ho h a 11 of belm cut ort oft from trum outside for tor evernI lI HALT SEt SEI III Ill addition to the he names already tele graphed tin th Iii fallowing waIt Salt iro ir fe and anil sound mid by I thin thI time ome oti of or them will he on OF their way vay wa home Among I Mont encountered d un thir th tret trIny todo havo been Mr Ir r Terry Ten tin et merchant who wh hud JUHt brought Mn Terry out ot of ot n Sm co Mr Ir 11 mid Mr Ir Mr 11 wife and family ta II 11 n aIt U kt drug I 8 S 4 Id 11 mul id Wife lt Dr Cv non Ml wit un l daughter Downey I l Th I In I covering th Iho v l h b R for tOI or the th e Chronicle I h ICI and U I t V tiding au fl flIn In III up tip to III hid hl hI knees knee III In the Ih tI pro COM cc Others seen lIen verc vere Heed IteI formerly with News emu emulating lating In t In g department II cIr r t en mother no her brother broth er and a nil J C Thompson family W It H It wire wife te and family Frank Borl lI A U n Paul Jr K t I J Jolley Harry It II anti family recent Ie ct in uv 11 rivals from the Southern States State The effort on 1 the th part purt of ot the N Net ew wn man to U reach the lE wan AI not productive of ot nn nv re rt 1111 uIt It II UH 1111 tt every eer hod I ICI mi n wn wu 14 put PUI to work nt lit tho th point of ot the ride anti and revolver In Iii cleaning the street of or debris The Tim system In vogue wt dis distinctly tt il a good gOIl one and arni save Rae evident of or round SOUnd judgment on the part of oC Oon On unon tho directing the tho work of relieving the but as 1111 a of ot progression pr to any lI nl It wa 1114 not an nn 1 success It M aban abandoned tinned a ft tramp ti of ot Mun miles through devious the ti war corre correspondent concluded Hint In n order to 10 keep kep 1 tep In touch with two he h l a 11 return to Oakland Willi the only solution lET PASS rAst In order to tn enter Ran Frane eo there th If I III much nuci In n 1 b th he accomplished h d First It ItIs 1 ItI Is l I ary to procure n pa HI t by h 0 riv iv ind J II n hauck Thin ThIM accomplished the he big o O ih t I 4 4 fr 44 1 y Y Y Y y IL I I I h r I I J i 1 t i l I 4 I I II II II II II 4 I J I I t I I I 1 t f Mt y f M o Photographed Specially fur for the D News HOMELESS GATHERED AROUND DEWEY MONUMENT TI I Is I Jill ti iii of ur E 1 I I Is of ur Similar n ioup IOUI iou In lu I ii be h b I ti In III I I i Different 11 Part of or Ille I I Ic Ii ri Ii 1 1 and a ud Ils II I JO 0 0 r I 1 rt 1 rac F 1 t Tr i I lf i ik i 1 I II I 1 I r i 4 1 1 I If i r fJ i i I j il ili I i 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 JL l 4 MH o o oo Photographed Photo Specially for lor tho Iho Deseret De News THE TIlE PALACE HOTEL AS IT LOOKS TODAY I Portion Pore Iu of or 0 r This ri i i Ii iii lug Is Solid Urick H rick tho p 1 I re Shell Stands i a nIi lint fl llio Iho Interior i Is I I I g I iii I lUll Ies make their known to tho thoI rj t nearest earet t stry their need 11 lire inc I it J To endeavor to in Und nd among tho tha t thronging tho 1 streets tree of Oakland und and other points would bo he labor lost lo l hero Here cnn CliO ciet t 1 Is 18 heard huml of ot nit and there another reports that ho heard from a 1 third party that 1 n 1 resident re of Utah Is Ii I sate safe In III tho the crowd t t d 1 i mIlI AU I i In i order to ninke mn lIe tho tim work wok morn more ef et effective Tic tho News has haH I j hi a corner In Iii an om co nt ot P Oakland the tho city for tor which most nioRt of ot off f the refugees lire are re making Hero Horo had iaH I been pen Installed 11 n a table and nod a t register j Advertisements have havo been placed In III nil all t the tho palera ners of oC Oakland awl the San Bi 4 papers which aro nr now nil all iJ cornIng out In tn this city since their pal palatial pali i homes homell on Market street sheet t have been tr LL destroyed asking nil resident of I to register and their names would be hI 1 f printed In the e eret at lit homo m t L telling tho the anxious relatives friends I In Snit Halt Lake that thal they thoy sat and anil anilI I f I sou nil I r QU HU In Inn Ban Francisco I o it In I impossible to tonet i net Iret et through the lines surrounding the tho I fi Immediate vicinity of oC tim Iho raging lire tiro The fart fact that tolo rumors are ram mm rampant l 1 rant pant to 10 0 the tho effect I j against the th refugees will 11 ho Instituted z l has numbers from going Johll Into I i 4 the tho city tit r because bocal tJ they dared darel not run iti l the chanco of or tint not coming out nut for tor weeks n An wn IH made yesterday e on t to 1 it part o ot of tho the Deseret News to 10 rc reich reichi ch i ri Oate Gate Park lark the Presidio anil anilI fi other points wIen refugees ore I 1 ramped 1 It n patent early that In I Southern Pacific or Santa Tanta Fo o terries ferries will viii transport the holder the bay Yesterday the tho ferries t carried about ZOO 0 going In to 2000 out every cery trip tripOn On tho boats boatH are aro men In Inn every over walk of ot life each ench and every ever onto ono apparently hoping to see his bIN loved ones waiting for tor him him on the th ferry terr Bomo tonn tire lire doctors going In others nurses nurse but the major mojor majority ity it I lire uro intent of or the accepted eastern tourist type LIKE Ilm A CLOUD Across till the bay through tho the haze of oC the smoke amok that hangs like n a 1 huge thun thunder thunder der cloud over OH the tho city Ill from the die lance tanco San SlIn Francisco docs loes not appear to t tho ho very ft different to what It wan vas 12 1 months ago lillO Tall Tail buildings rent rear rei on the tho sky Ilk line lino antI and from the thu fact that nil all the he shipping lies lieu out In tho thu bay It looks lonk more prosperous than ever ler float noat Island In Is on the quarter however the thu outlines of ot ruins can call be he distin distinguished As At the terry ferry draws nearer soma Idea Is gained of oC the tho horror be lie beyond boo yond ond the tho sleeping bay ba The huge Ferry Perry building bu which many nany predicted would be hI l the he nr t to tu go In III case cn e of a n bud bal earth earthquake quake stands with the gold 1011 olt ball and on II the tine summit of oC the tho central tower leaning over oer like a n broken reed In Iu front the hands of oC tho the hilt big clock ciok point to tho tIm hour o or 1530 when stien the lib big hl hock stirred the city ami iiii brought the crowds shrieking to tho streets Directs In some sonnie places the masonry linn Inns Jarred jarrell loose but In other It is lii 11 tho the sonic same old Ferry building Tho The length and height heIgh I of or this thin building net act as os a 1 screen KerCe unit ono one steps outside to re me merc 1 cIo rc ivo a 11 shock os nil the utter titter desolation IprI t around Braund strikes hl his hili eyes tS Mar Market Market 1111 ket kel street the ti of or n a I continent hut hilt the tho tory story tor has han already been told In tn Inthe Inthe the Ih dispatches dl HUSH OF 01 TIn m On Saturday the real rush rUh of oC refu gees commenced The Tho horror of oC tho tim night before when ItO men women and int children wIre were ere cut ut ort oft by b the tho flames and perished In the vicinity of or IC Telegraph and hills and on III Union street the tho scare tho the scarcity of ot water waltr and the tie In getting fool food were Incentives to get Ie across oros the Ihl bay from the tho scenes that vl vili be bl held hellIon on the lie retina of ot their minds for tor life lit Down Market street they the came men women and children some In automo hilts others In milk wagons wagon and anil every conceivable conveyance Hut the ma ant majority walked and everybody carried something Some wore ore bandages around their heads and gave other visible cv e eti deuces of oC having been hurt DIVERSITY OF 01 0 It Is III ii strange what things thIng of DC them carried arriel One OM On man who looked ns as though he lie might have havo been tani a broker bore In one ono hood hand a it 1 can of or corned cornett beef and In the other n IL tennis rocket racket an nn another other a typewriter yet et another wore won slippers n a Panama hut hat and u n pair of ot trousers that had hOll been b ln ripped In all nil directions n a little girl hanging to III her mothers skirts and anel crying pitifully hugged a R huge huie doll while Just juit behind h came come n R woman t n a bonnet box and a I parrot lit III n a cage 11 lie When It comes to parrots th Ih number being brought out from Bin tta Francisco la Is r Up UI at It th this Presidio It t I iq 14 that Hint there rue arc hundreds around the till camp In cages 0 nui apparently It 1111 rent ly they Ihl t it 3 ore this ho I only itly u cheer cheerful cli ful living things In evidence THE rm HITH Holt halt way Wn Wit between the ferry mud tho the ruins of ot the hotel nil on o al role rode up 1111 to tn a it 1 sentry Hell I 1 and until the next In Instant n stant tho the brief command Hull was waR given All you roU men lI n t y right where you Oll are Uy lIy the time tUne about M Q had glint Bled up trout from tho the ferry terry Follow the tho sentry was the command omit and those hose who vho turned to tomake tomake make a 11 break were vere met by h a 11 cou coupie pie of IC privates who lio stood their ground with leveled and linger on trigger Out Oil Oh man luau In iii the party tried tied to expos My I iy God men mell I 1 hava hH conic como to get my m wife It lot ot me through In an RII Instant tho the drew his re is revolver P volver velver and It nt ut thc Ih head heRd of ot tho the objector nt at the same samu time saying Get Getto Getto to hi work there Everybody marched off oft following tho Iho ito sentry to a n cross rolls which was blocked by a n fallen wall nail LEAN CLEAN LI UP liP THE fin loan Clean up this debris was ls the curt order while the lie with drawn re me revolver I volver walked the throng anti and aut by any or of turned hit his re ye revolver volver on OIl uny Oil an that was wits not bent bentOno bentOne Ono One big JIll stout Individual built hullt on oni con convex convex vex ex model and wearing two diamond rings gingerly stooped groaned and pricked UP u II brick Another r near him worked with mingled tears leant ind nd persil perspiration ration trickling down his face fuci but tho the manner In which the laggards InK threw those bricks was wa M n II revelation r ell The Tha street Wilt was clear cionI In 10 minutes save savo for fora a n big hh hi steel beam be m mo Now o then bent the II toyS boys bo s get Iet It out of ot the road tOai came Caine the word Everybody Jot got busy hils Suspender buttons button lew flen fie lull that beam was wall moved and ani several serAl minutes later a n s with tt II glimpse of ot a n bloody head bend lying In III n II nurses lap hip above tho the Hashed Ih hl by 10 Ily 11 way 11 of a the lie boy bo who s lie hn sat Iut beside the tho rang ranK nn an ordinary dinner boll boil mOOT Til KM DOWN Martial Martini law In Is II the till only solution to the conditions The lie spec spectacle tone of or It a body lying out nOt In III the tho middle of ot the lh street shot idiOt clean through tho the breast was ts the lie best Incentive to 10 law lawand lawand and order Such an object lesson was encountered on upper upp r Market street No 00 are mole made A yuan man who will nut not obey orders inders l is III shot In his tracks Everybody keeps to the middle of the treet It IC anyone Is seen I en bv Liv h the military among the Iho ruins ho he Is told tOil to advance within six paces puces anti and halt hult If It he ho starts to 10 run he lie Is a n dead deadman man filth manA A t mUll mini was as shot on Thursday In Golden Gate Oute Park because e he washed his hili hands In to the water set et aside for purposes A 4 baker wan Phot shot dead on the tho saute same day because he ho sold sohl a 0 loaf lont of ot bread br a to toa toa a II starving refugee for tor Jl Sl 1 and he Ito was Wll glad to pay vay 1 11 that for tor It The dead deall deadmans deadmans mans stock was wa at once turned over oer overto overto to 10 the people free tree Such Hueh was all the state statement ment to 10 the News by an eye eyewitness eyewitness witness WI s There Thero Is IR no arguing with martial law Ono Ihma man IMn who tried It Il on Satur Saturday Saturday day over oer n R difference of or opinion re regarding reo garding taking one olle corner of ot n a rock that obstructed the thoroughfare lost last nil oil his front teeth by iy h coming In con contact tact Inet with the butt hutt of ot n II rifle He lIe w went nt to work nork at once CORPSE COniSE OF 01 A i Outside the tho Flood building the corpse corp of ot a n looter was removed on Sat Saturday linIn A woman wearing searIng sonic some hand hon Home diamond 1 rings stood there trem trembling bling on Thursday da The rho sneak made a n grab for tor her hand and tho the first t thing thinK time tho lady knew of ot tho the affair was wits the theman mull man lying In hiM death throes at itt her hertelt feet A picket ricket hud hod shot him through h the back One of the first thins things undertaken on Friday was the Ihl of nil mill the thu rec recognized criminal element together sod and them over to Oakland under guard where they the still remain In Inthe Inthe inthe the vicinity of oC the time ferry III In nil all nine were reported to tn have havo been shut shot and a killed ku ted on Friday iii 1 and a ad four yesterday f Irda WILl VIM FOR FOIt PAtES PASSES Despite DI the tile danger discomfort ant and hardship attendant upon getting Into Sun Hm 1111 co thousands arc nrc clamoring for tor passes Hero Here In Oak Oakland land 1111 people pet get tt Into line the tho night be he before fore tore In lii order orl to In secure passes paR HIS at tIm the court house hOll e the next day Ia Any An omit man of or decent appearance and who iio really pally i has hits some pome business In San Han Francisco has hos no it II I It ty In III I it being heinli accommodated I ed when Ids hl turn comes It Is 14 easier en Riel to 10 get l t In Intha thin than tha get t out nul Newspaper passes paRseH are ure little better than any Rn other ind ini each man maim takes take his hiI turn In heaving bricks and debris U Is cheerful however I and despite the flourished 1 gulls Kims amid orders does nil all III In his power to 10 help I XO Nt FIRE Ilm I The rite story stor of ot conditions an as told by h F FO I In O n 1 Morse Tol e n it 1 traveling salesman who lo makes Salt ait Link nt Rt Intervals urn aro In Interesting Mr lr Morse who ho caine across thEm tho boy ho 10 from the tho Inferno today says So Ho great Is III the fear of or tIre lire In the residence portion not no hunted I I that thai the authorities will not nol permit even en n R lighted 1 I candle can mile In III the t tie house No u one omit IIII Is I permitted to III build any an kind of II fire tire in tho tim house houlle most of ot the him chim chimneys himlIe itel lIe I ore are down following lilt earth 1 Thousands of or people eok In Inthe Inthe |