Show CARISA CARSA MINE MIE DOING WELL ceva of Hewitt StrIke JI t Leaks Out Ont And Prospects According to reports report n a strike of ot moro more moll than has hd been brn mule on Oil Oi tho the i O foot level of or the Tn Ca Carise rise riM Hupt Hupt 13 I of ot the tho com coin company CO pany Is IA said Mid to hate Ino telephoned the tho thoen news en to tn the tho afternoon hut In iii II Mino IO quarters It Is said nii M 11 that I tho discovery ha lots bren hicen known among n a 1 certain select f tw w for tor da past H It Halso I II II also Alo mM Mil that the th strike occurred occure only onh 25 35 feet foet from the t hI end en lines of ot the ti Victor Ictor Con and that thal the tho lodo lode beat bears ben benaway away In strength In both bolh directions The he n news ws created a n trong demand for Cor Victor Vietor Con the trading In tn that security being tho the hea Is for some ole time past |