Show NARROW W ESCAPE Of FRED Letter Leter From San Sail Francisco Druggist Whose Wife Wie is Utah Woman DEATH AND DESTRUCTION I Trunk ii k and ii nl lisa OUT Ot er Streets Ilet Tor rOl E for Fred a IL Sumi Francisco co drug druggist gist front inn tho I burned burn cit city ci ty under inder ii date of April Arl i lint 21 2 1 to Ills hum hl Ito who U ii I visiting with wih her fathers family on 01 H U street In this city cit ns as follows folos I el since that fatal Wednesday morning I 1 hao triad to calo cilo cab with you 01 by h I telegram or 0 letter ietter and succeeded only emily yesterday t by get geL getting ft ting off a n telegram for Co I 2 Later In 11 ii tho limo evening telegrams W ro accepted to bo be bl delivered C 0 O D 1 but It wan stated onto one OlO could not tell tol they would leave leuc I hy had hilI to 10 bo ho to Oakland by br messenger They Tile Ih assured us unit II however that paid tiC tele telegrams grams miS would leave leavo at onico by my carrier I think moot inon mo t of o the tue was wan appropriated by Isy h tho the who tool took them There were ere no II regular officials Today more 1010 order IH tH established el I nm out stilt still alive but bil narrowly clwell sudden death In iii my m in loom 1001 When I at lt 5 H I and Jumped up ul I saw tho room 1001 mid nil all al thu tho lU In II It I perform a wl rd dance while hlo at nt tho the I imo 1110 time me tino Iho noise holso of ot breaking gInI I the thu shrieks M of or WontOn women arid old ns as C aswell well cl n ns as of or mien men 1 el the tithing falling of or plaster plastering ing Boomed to 10 fin tho tue most U music to It I was 1411 nIWO IWO stricken that for tor sonic come I 1 could not realize that I was awake hut but thought 1 I was n dreaming I could hardly ICO any aily anything al timing thing In III my lY room on account of It the tho du dl luSt but bin t jumped JUJI j a in d tit up 11 gut go L ml III II my H I cloth clothing lug ing made mad for tho tine NOT A OF Tho Tue Th sight Ight there thero was terrible Tho Tue Th were vere covered COfIel with wih rick brick glass cornices tho tine roots roofs of most ot of if tho had hod boon been lifted up or on 01 tumbled In dead people p were among thu th lie debris ni ai a well w ll as wounded mind Ind the mAn men and women who canne elno out nut of tine tho houses hOU IH S were In their night nl lt attire Ittre and bare barefooted barefooted footed tooted No one ll to tn have hl any anty tinto for fOl any ono 1110 elce ire and everybody ran nann mi without knowing l where ho lire fro department canio out to find all iii tho time water vater pipes w Sd fO twisted by h 11 tine tho th earth lual l that tl there thelo was wal tint not a 1 drop of o water This Thill fact and the strong wind mused the time tires fires Ir to spread rapidly I C located lel In In time the middle of Market street t with a it hundred others to await it thin final haul sluice shake anti you IU oti can cal imagine our onn OU feelings with lenth ond destruction UM us u and nil al au tine the earth Ith under 1111 us 11 Mill shivering II trembling every ever now nhu and amud thou then Dmm RAGING nAO Hut nothing senious elloul followed 1 Im tnt Immediately mediately BO o the crowd holder bolder began belal to walk around to see sea what had actual happened I 1 rondo for forthe forthe the tho store and auth allt found every ec hattie bottle boUe and nil tho glass nail and 11 cases CACK broken and a n ni great groat hoop heap of ot stOries tone brick twisted Iron nind cornices In iii 11 front of ot the hull built building hung ing Ilg I went welt Into Inlo the thuc store storo through tho the windows as 18 tho the doors did not I lt work worle then them another shock came caine anti we wn Hod nod from the tho ito ploce Hy 1 11 that a n dozen fires Worn were raging rasing and nie tho time lisle Cull Call Cal which lund had hul not a ii window broken ol nor any crock after atten Irel tint tin earthquake took tonic flee fire l ry tl from tho the Ferry building to Fourth street wan aflame alamo nm the fires spread quickly In hi tho Ito direction Bouth of Market street trott TRUNK K 18 is BLOCKS It ft I was dangerous but T I wont back to my m lii room to tl pack unit carry carr away aa what I could I pulled my I trunk anti and alse with wih n it 1 ropo tOjO over the for IS J I S blocks hundreds of other people doing the lit samo MiO thing timing At 41 t 1 p 1 in m T I Iwas was and 1111 dropping on till tho tue street al feU al nl el When I awoke o tine tho th tire fire had followed us up UI 10 blocks 1 I could no longer lon pr pull lul the tho trunk so had 1011 10 leave lIa tho lie to pick out nut n it few fel effects and remainder I lint Hut oven even then I t could travel fat far Hungry and thirsty no water ater no lit fond ton Everything I hail hll to tobo tobo bo ho abandoned 10 In ln In a two hours I 1 succeeded In III getting canned canneti peaches arm ginger rule ant that was our breakfast Thit lh evening I TRot got a n few fel of or f and gravy for Cor rupper nil all al hands went welt to sleep dared darell to sleep out cult of o doom dool us itS lS no 10 ono one In time the houses housel IN 1 LINK VOlt KOH lOI nouns I stood In iii II line lino Ino for fot ev era oral ml hours hoUr to Ii get Iet a n loaf of head bread Tim The hl worst Is 18 we wo have he no itt water only emil a it I little to drink nt nit the tw anti and a 11 thor there If Is II ii fr tor washing They rite he say 11 relief Is II coming but bul the tho light fight for tor or It I In is InHO II isSI HO SI great gat that ono one gets trampled lell on FC before getting anything No Ni lire tr nor lor nay light l II is allowed In any nn house Cooking mu lul t be bl done on nm the he streets Relatives und and friends In other parts aro are taking ant care already of ot thousands tile the more more unfortunate ones 01 lire are waiting te developments I have no 10 post postoffice postoffice office address and anc nut Pan Fan Francisco Is no nomore nomore nomore more thore I le no po delivery dol very This thre Is II but tho sorrowful experience of ot many matty other citizens of ot tho ito III 11 fated city ct |