Show STATE S1 ATE CHEMIST t L HERMAN HARMS II lies Has J analysed I Three Crown it I Coffee Baking Powder Ex Extracts r tracts tYR C III Spires and ard Golden Grain 1 Cereal e I Coffee and found them bent jl f null nil Strictly high hl h grade absolutely o i 1 pure a mul complying with L null nil the of DC tho th lit Utah I Pure Pitre Food Law Lawf f th the thit excellent showings showing the tIe Manufacturers and Mer Merchants chants Association of ot llah au an authorise 1 Hewlett J Bros Bro Co to use U um I Ithe im the official label lah 1 of oC tha the I mod and recommend these o goods floods as ne asb iI b biting being worthy nf of the con um rs patronage i ut k Scrofula Few re are arc entirely from U It ItIL U It m mi 1111 y develop to ao 8 i lowly M U to causa cause If Ifan ifan any an disturbance dimming too no whole period of oC childhood It I may mar then produce ela catarrh and ani marked t tendency to o consumption ton before Itself In Iu much us crup or glandular dwelling swelling It H Is L Lest best st to ho be sure nrc f that you ou an aro Quito quite tree Creo front from It sad mid you roe can rely melt on out Hoods Sarsaparilla to 10 rid rIi you rou ot lr f It U und permanently Accept no uto substitute lIb but bu In list on ott buries lim li i Liquid or 1 in 1 Do Dom o si L 1 Buy F Dr D Graves Tooth Powder Avoid discomfort danger langer and andI I unpleasant after taste by re refusing refusing refusing fusing all other powders or pastes washes and soaps Your dentist will advise you Iu In hanl racial cans Or bottle Dr Graves Tooth Powder Co 00 I I I Dr dentist d I to over er Walkers I ers store tore tor I I Sweets Toasted Marshmallows A new toothsome t tion A great big package for ten cents at any dealer in good candy Toasted T daily at our out mammoth factor I Sweet Candy Co I Manufacturers I 1 UNION U DENTAL CO 21 Us South Main daia HONEST WORK VORK HONEST PRICES RICES I of ot T or No NoI Extraction jb ss Par Pay All Work ork Ou I D IU lad Ini U 11 J |