Show T he pi n C e S sa by McGRAT 11 A u chor q the mari the IS x heart a d masks bic in SYNOPSIS arthur armel tit nn consul to u I 1 huff ar li I 1 it taj a itow how r signing mand duki alt ait corts torts to for 0 liln him rin I 1 el n 1 gi rif lo 10 I 1 0 narry ni i rr I 1 ilni ri n 1 I i 11 1 1 kinn nn art 1 oil I I 1 r garrit 1 l a it t linow know ill brint tm so evan by avyle ri an in fit ro rm buck bak in the country I 1 n h t v hm nj it ax P 1 ks ka aloan 1 me in a P 1 etcil I 1 I 1 jere here 1 11 anad two 11 ani hn I 1 un an 1 oil I I 1 in annn a arvant rv a one bonan w man in I 1 I 1 ri lat 11 id gard alln anil tit tl oil otar t r ft alon frien I 1 iton fruit at tor 0 of I 1 y d ditulo tain him to a much beewen the t betas ant an 1 a 4 1 army officer li t ci lne for tho the purpose of fulling tho iho grand ei duke att mit to 10 HH V 0 tie i ri neis anil and site alie Is in rest wd u d 1 hv v aring t 0 n tits fr I 1 if L oil M manx n fill arfi natela nateln an oil annerl tn nil od fra franl n drof of Wair higton a ilir r le it witt him of illin biln in lt it n iok lt I 1 t il a alduro of a woman in fit ado alt it was on n kituto aln tit hitik wh n hu ho aa n a ixil iy kag ah ill dp alit adopted by lila ills r tr fulir idoo 11 aino tie he was wall given lie b lit hi it to bo be it pl turu of ills on in inar fair rr aitio grant duke duhe to to tile tho I 1 that mile in IH to lo marry dol via plo kinn tie t s fol follow lovins ini wel Durin a ni rn irn nl B x rado she petina to PHI apfl thi she eto 3 li I 1 io if filiti in IN n 11 she alim 11 ar ienir I 1 it d I 1 tut lit dot doa a not d scover her I 1 linn ion ty lt it it public I f or A r of a lull 11 ILI 1 ild ants max alax vt late and rel ta nn n inheres I 1 ng bitof bit of knelp P to tile artt that tho ho imn has run aay arta liell unwittingly of fellis 51 aft ve ollic er land suba acts to ial anlo aart MAX in d to take lako uno one of 0 the amoric un rit a slid nd cat filpi RIX CHAPTER R VII Continued what a 8 this for max alax asked curl lella sold eald I 1 I 1 it la in very good of you max take those mr ellis cilia bishea to eave your hide I 1 luko ake them in and got get to the station as quickly as you yon can and for the love of mercy do not turn round till you to re over lit in elkina u vineyards well I 1 in hanged it if I 1 under understand he cried 1 aiu I in a peaceful paci ful man A beggar stalks aike up to ruo rue and slaps nio me in the face for nothing at all and now I 1 must hike bike th what the devil have I 1 tove lone now nin an AB briefly na as I 1 could I 1 ex the enormity of ills his offenses to take lake a chair from a babl as aa he had bad done was a gross insult to receive a alap in tile the face and not to resent it was smother another insult to tear bp an opponents caid still mother 1 to take out a revolver in dar bar elicit unless you vu were an officer or tad had AL a permit wits was worse than an in ini ault tit was waa a crime punishable by ong imprisonment they could ac use birn of being either an anarchist it r a red coming to lla with the intent to fco kill the grand duke rhe che fact that he was ignorant ot of tho the awe awa or that ha be was an iolen would emit not one particle of 0 hla his punish ecat and fine and weeks would pass pasa re the matter could be arranged be the united states and darscheid Da Dar good lordt lord he gasped why ilent you tell rue me why you tell me that you anted a cannon in ia your pocket ruke cuke papers otherwise you stand pat foi a heap of trouble and I 1 can t alp jelp ou oil go straight to dresden tele lele raph me aad I 1 it IF forward your lug gage aag dut but I 1 cathe came hete here to ko max I 1 argued it will bo be geology in the form of irison walls said euld ullis ellis quietly don t a foolish mr hir it la Is not t matter of a man a courage but ut hla his sense take the tickets and ight out I 1 have hav llotd here bore tor for three years and have seeli been men killed out ight fur for tesa less than ou on have done hut but you don t expect me to leave hla his place without punching that big gars ara cheadl indignantly what do you think I 1 ra in made of you 11 nover get the chance to punch lunch hla bla head said I 1 we are wast wasting liag valuable lol time those officers lave have gone tor for the police you have about 20 minutes to make the train anac for heavens sake bake come comet he finally got it into ills hla hoad head that wo know knew what se fe f e weis talking about how flow wo As got bira to the station I 1 do not remember but somehow soni we got him thare lie ile sputtered and fillad mil and swore as nil all brave men ill vilio mho feel that they tire are running avay in a idly fanalon tas Aloa lo ife 10 aagat con vinced but ho thanked ellis for hta his kin duesi and hoped that ho be t get into trouble on ills his maxs account colin I 1 i f G go 0 straight to youve aa a an studying medicine in n 11 0 for three breo years refer to me by tele Krai iliK there 11 any i question as a to d yourt you idt I 1 said I 1 L yo rt tho the lausa ilithe orld max that III id lie for w er through the gates and we open the dobrof door of 9 a earl cari lage I 1 i ith e 1 train I 1 beg bega auTto pull on guard tried fo atop blu bt he be ad e it kr melted away inte ith el blackness wis BU covering alft vip f irand acay my tel fell m I 1 ax w diners ant on I 1 into the it As 1 I iler hen was waa a howdy ilo do sud denly f ilia let out a sounding laugh and scarcely acar cily knowing why we joined hlin film it was as funny very funn kunii for i yet ven one but poor old max the american spirit la is baided baaed on the lenae of 0 humor and can in tragic traffic moments Is irrepressible we ill dl I 1 not return to muller a tach cach of us ug stole home to await aalt the advent of the police for they would mould roil rout out every in town own in ili tit their air bi arch for the roan man with the gun they would first visit the consulate and what I 1 knew of the he at af fair when then they got th with the if ket ot of the bo a max would be in dop the police wets going to be very busy that a princess on one hand and tin an anarchist on the other thare were terrible terr ibl times too in the he palace long iong before wo we maxi ma B train and the vanishing grehn and red lights at the end of it the tha I 1 grand duhe was buying own ile he wais waa pacing wildly down in ills his loom in his flat was wag a crumpled sill sl per I 1 from rom ahrie to time he I 1 it out and reread the he conant time lime he be swore like tile the in I 1 landers you forced me and I 1 wai that I 1 would d di something d do not send for me for you w find me till you come to houi I 1 have eloped CHAPTER vill VIII shortly before six 0 clock la in the palace way was seri ben hal halt after fatter eight the honorah sat down to her writing deal boudoir which opened detec that belonging to the princess a few baters home A dinnel be given to the state hoffich night and she knew from ex 4 k oe 2 why gra r that after that sul eirin event I 1 eluded it if would woula be too late tor for parting malls bhe scemer I 1 no di difficulty in composing her t aud and transferring them to paper were times when she would lei le nibble the end of her pen an in n a dreamy retrospective fash doubt her thoughts were pleas agreeable sho she had completed address ad dressin ln envelopes when she heard tj t loading leading into the princess boud bond and eluse she turned tinned to prin princess ceba why cretchen Gretch cn where abere ing boating the gray the th gray hat bat the sensible squi shoes I 1 I am going to N left a sick her highness avoiding 11 er a eye but shall chilli you have time t for dinner I 1 that depends nt aldes the tha dinners aru a great bore in ill ness jeaa came for forward Nard taught caught tt tl head of the english girl beewi gloved hands pressed it ingall heart bent and kissed it I 1 I 1 lovely girl you are bettyl abw muffled luf fled alwais even tempered will grow old ver gratefully grat grai I 1 I hope so HO but I 1 do not I 1 gro grov v old at all can t 11 I 1 go wat eagerly I 1 impossible etiquette deni ands andis bour 3 our presence here tonight to night it if I 1 am late my rank and my errand will be my lily excuse what jolly times we used to have in that qu tina old boarding school la in st bt john a dodl do you kemem her ber how ve lae went to our iube fa country I 1 lace one christmas 1 I went incognita there was waa a children a 8 party and two boys boya had a fisticuff over you nobody noticed me those days I 1 vaa as happs then the prin cess fro frowned Nned it might have been the sign of repression of tears betty with her head against the others other s bosom could not see 1 I I 1 shall be lonely without you tor for you can not here for tower teer it you could it would be differentia different ij shall miss you somehow you the s calming e I 1 fim so 1 fassl a em so stir face afe loine cinc ilav day however lewwe er I 1 shall corne to england angl mil and upend a whole month with aou au ain III t tot ot that bo be fine in e how floor m lan choly our voice is IB cried hetle trying without avail to re move hor her highness hands no no I 1 want A atit to hold you just juat so BO laps I 1 am tonight to night I 1 have haie all the mi int 0 oln Is agi asiP table and dis die ag do n oil oi love any body tovo lovo an anybody body vant do iou bilsing in ili elite of the pro pio testing hands do I 1 look as aa it if I 1 were in love ith fill anybody 9 searched tach other a eyes oil aou islanders landers ly nobody can fathom what la a going on in your hearts you never make any mistakes you al ways ays seem to know which paths to pursue at ait alwain right always always I 1 if 1 I biho to see sea you commit a folly betty it 11 a a w icken w ish I 1 know but I 1 nh it there is moi moie e SI dianish anish blood in my veins awe ae it he became truy truly the sovereign ulbano and majestic ills ilia valet was buckling on the saber belt when abon there came a respectful tap on the tha door enter said the duke frowning ono one ran can not assert any particular degree of dignity with a valet at one a side ft jo dut but it only a corridor attendant who entered lie he approached the dukes valet and presented a letter for his sorene highness lie ile bowed aad backed out closing the door gently at once the valet bowed also and extended the tha letter to hla his master formality la Is a alne thing in a palace all ah a letter mused the duke duhe profoundly innocent of tha viper which was as about to ba baang him lily k glasses gustav ely nicey eye cassesa I 1 1 CONTINI TED as LK P |