Show foi LOCAL NEWS hams aland fr ca ward baptism today at 2 and it county will meet next bomel display monday tion 1 hellod stake Priest priesthood bood meeting nic cling in grants ing do villa ana saturday batu batur rJay day tionda evily 4 Culi rado shippers are buying utah fruit ta t phi p east bome 1 furniture for sale in heam quire ot of joseph tate AN A fine baby boy was RUB born this week to 0 o mr air and mrs william nix 4 IJA A just enough frost latt monday morning low to bl eclen squash an all I 1 other tender vines ripe tomatoes tor for a silo lie inquire of george hallitt Mal litt at philip r P de la mares they SMALL the irrigating streams tire aro gotting afisu ins low they buve b bon beo on keeping well up all CART mrs airs rhea nelsn wife of W W IL bloon cf this thia cit cita who has bas leon stok sick for so BO IOD long la Is improving slowly the highest market price paid for TO yearling steers and stock calves i inquired of W W nelson M 1 11 I tate tale and wife of salt lale lake city have blen bien visiting 1181 ting mr atoa parents NII mr aau airs joseph tuto tate ot of this city le e bast week Rei register ister agent A 1 II 11 duke registered fiat four names list last saturday ile fie says is still names to bo registered in the first snow of the season fell on tho the mountains last sunday ino ioina A white noat covered the jie tops but jid did not cot como come down dowa N cry ija A telephone line is is being built from the bingham Binah aiu metal mines to his city chy telephone lel ephone lines bites will soon lake view and ertla with tooele thoele P mma alias lull lula rud ot the salt lake schools lias been spending a varr parr ot of P pu her vacation in this city with her sister bister rosa malks maiks joseph I 1 ate alte has ha SON his hia residence on west street to J of lale view mr air tates family will move into salt lake Laka city in a I 1 lew ew days the tha speakers at tho the wurl ward meeting last sunday aati n were elders al U B nelson aud and jarug jaru g dunn tokeo la hal I 1 no mail last monday mori nug I 1 be backs went ahead slid and oame e back with the iha afternoon traio or of course no body w is to blamo bame but thoele tooele wall waa abrown out of its daily bijil at tho the republican primary hell bell last lakat friday evening id lamn in al orme orine wes was elected precious preci out chairman sill john bryan secretary louis was for justice and W 11 II Al kington for constable Oon stable A spark from tho the steam thrashing machine last monday set fire to the tha dry grits gra 9 and before the firo fire OWN mill be put out oat it had bad burno I 1 tho the bible oud and straw idank stack on james dunns farm faim by arl work or of the machine a lay stack was saved the County State bank has baa provided provid td cd for the convenience of the iho people safety deposit boas baxis for the safe keeping or of valuable auch us notes mortgages deeds stock certificates valuable jewels etc eta I 1 cheso heso safety boxes ari or J re rente a te I 1 for 3 per an annum n um wo lye ioviti tho the publio public to cull call and inspect J ji A edwards Edwar ls blata auditor ardito r was in toselo on business last bat fri jay ilay mr air edwards is a candidate for deore tary of bbate and gunj interviewed a number of lo 10 al lie seemed to be very wull pleased with his visit to this city ty mr el edwards wards wade maje a very pleasant visit to tho the transcript office ila father and tho the writer were old chums in early days attlia at the request of gov crothers Cr othera of maryland itata auditor J A edwards is preparing some soma upon lie ile coltof coat of legislation in this state stata th cost coat figures will salaries ot of members of the legislature pod pad employed rai loyes ol of both houses which is io 4 per day a II idoo rho file marylan Ala rylan I 1 governor govera or through mr air horace E blaek is a investigating the tha cost of legislation logi over the tha whole country awatif ani all I 1 the results will be arid when the work la is finished deseret news telephone no 9 for anything you deai ill ia line our we wake make a prompt prom pt delivery to any part of the city |