Show buirt INTO THE BIRDS NEST appropriate place for lace intended for coming babas cap A young mother sat eat under an arple free while the blossoms fell about her listening to the glad twittering of a couple ot of song sparrows who were building their nest in the lilac bush which grew beside the fence sh ahe 0 was fashioning a tiny cap of lawn and lace and smiling to herself while she sewed after the manner of her kind she was wondering what the lit little tie face m gilld be like that N would look out from the dainty cap of i units and frills it was nas almost done except for one little piece of lace which site she could not find to finish it she had to give up her search for it though she eho knew she had had it when tube she put her basket on the ho grass beside her and had gone into the house to get some forgotten foi gotten thing in the fullness of time her mother heart was satisfied for her abild lay in her arms and slept upon her breast she carried tile the habe babe out and sat again under the apple tree now laden with fill fruit she glanced into the lilac bush es CB where the had tair rest nest in the spring and found that the bird lings had wing and it was aa deserted desert ed but cunningly we en into it around the top was mris the lost bit of lice lace for which when making the baby cap the had bad searched so long in vain |