Show ANNUAL P DAY A Y tho Y L at 1 I aN of ward will hold their annual or dime day dav on bues tues eslay lay september septemo r 8 la in the relief stouty hall bill at 7 30 p m A good pr program has ba been prepared as follows lol lowa singing it L LA A prayer singing Y L A duett eama do la mare and a od erma ft owell comic ppe jennie cuett evlyn gordon and nobel mabel johnson anoual day blien park solo kate gillispio GIllesp Gilles pio le clodon guitar Nl mandolin andolin club brat ti manees ices nix birllie Birl lia bili elos tation phyllis maslek allett 11 jolo lya iva sobrido funny sayings alfrad 11 nalson solo a 8 W alse lee altar th will bo be slaved A cordial invitation is extended to 0 o till all tu to ouma coma anil and have a good bilue admission 10 wits |