Show thinks section boss magnate Magn abes countess weds weda railroad man then father takes take her hep away muskogee okla ohla louls louis Accas accassano gano an italian count and his eldest daugh ter esther were arrested at deleet ka a few days ago the former being charged with mith his daughter who but a few day beaole had been married to james 8 lalle laile the arrest was made by sheriff smith but after accassano told his bis story etory he and his daughter were re leased and are now on their way to new york they will sail ball for italy in a few days the italian claims his daughter was deceived into marrying lalley whom she bhe believed to be a millionaire rail load magnate but who turned out to be a section boss count accassano was sont to dexl co in 1904 by his government to in railways and at monterey ha be and hla his daughter met lalley lalley wooed and anal won the girl and when accassano Accas aano returned to rome rollie a year j later the coulle ie were vere eng aired lalley I 1 was asked to come to rome home where the ceremony cere raon was to be performed cut but ha be said he could not get away and lie ile induced the italians to return to america and meet him at dustin olda okla they arrived at dustin in due time I 1 and the count became suspicious but while he be csc cc investigating into lal ley a wealth the latter took the he girl to a justice ot of the peace and they were mari man led when the count discovered that hat lai ley was a penniless section buss boss he becane became enraged and spirl spirited ted bf his daughter away si the girl claimed she only atleed to lalley and that the ceremony must be ba performed pel pei formed by a catho lie priest james to is atall working BH as a section boss boas and will not spend his bla summer bummer in the eternal city |