Show INTERIOR DECORATING DECORATING DECORATING- II Little ittIe Things Thing Count o nt I in In Home Furnishing By VALERIE VANCE For N NEA EA Service Taste in home furnishing consists consists con con- con con- in infinitesimally little things I so so little that unless attention Is called to them by a decorator those who have not studied them vill miss them altogether Take for Cor example the arrangement arrange ment of books Placed In sets they I make too large a color area and are monotonous monotonous' looking It If not used frequently sets might might- be broken up It is Is not disorderly either to let books tilt against each other her or to lay some flat Thus they have B a used look 1001 and to the understanding indi indicate ate the touch of an artist ln in decoration as w vell n nas as that of READY TO LIGHT rr Logs In place in th the fireplace in hi like manner give R a ready to be lighted used look 1001 Even In sprIng or summer they seem approprIate for Cor a person knows there are many days clays In these seasons seasons when a hearth fire Is Placing them thus artistically takes a ay avay that open gaping look of the blackened fire fire- place S The use ot of the very feminIne frU frill French df ped dressing table I In at s' s bedr bedrOom om shared by her husband is another i Instance It Is distinctly a piece for the young gIrls gIrl's 1 orn om the bache bachelor or maid or orthe orthe the woman enJoying the freedom her very own i om It Is altogether too femInine makes a aman man seem shut out and domInated by fern fem FAMILY PHOTOS Similarly y photographs ot of r relatives rela- rela l tives nd friends ma may have no place In the living room where the stranger must sometimes enter entel They belong belong- In the more intimate b bcd or onlY the family gathers photographs s to these rooms gIves a more dg ICie l 10 look 1 to the living room because of theIr absence ana corr a a more more In appearance to the rooms whet they ar are kept FramIng them In standard frames frame's of the yin s swinging type Is also In god taste When photographs are kept In the library There are not no handsome large photograph boxes or of gIlt decorated with the head ad d oZ oZan an Italian beauty that make an ornament on the library table SPARING ORNAMENTS It If good taste i is dIsplayed a lilting liking for ornaments will be held in restraint re The room wi will not be bc cluttered cluttered with them so that a guest will feel teel uncomfortable for Cor fear a false Cale move will dash s something breakable to the floor loor A guest will not feel as it If eating In a gUt gift shop S just a a. few things in the manner mannel good taste will permit actually seeing the beauty The Japanese I i. i r allow pot ot even a g guest st to s spoil oil the I picture of the room G ests sit on the floor loor in a designated spot thought out as part of the corn corn- com I I position and servants come Into the room On their knees I |