Show Time 2 Year Old Happy Captures Classic Classic at Havre de Grape Grac-e Track Grabs Big Purse at Woodbine Park Flippant Pays 8 to 1 to Win I. I N NEW W YORK Sept 9 AP- AP Breaking Break In on top and leading all the way the Island Farms Farm's Happy Time by High Time Little Blossom Blossom Blos- Blos som wIth with Jockey pilot pilot- piloting ing yesterday won the famous Eastern shore hore p added adde for year 2 at six fur fur- the longs feature event of the card at Havre de Grac Grace Reigh h Count owned by by Mrs John D. D Hertz was second and the Greentree Greentree Green Green- tree stables stable's E Excalibur third The time was 1122 2 The track was fast In winning winning win win- ning Happy Time netted Ilis owner i There were 14 of the best I year olds entered was following the pacemakers pace pace- makers all the way in thIrd position position po- po but never could get near enough to gain a bett better r place in I winning the money Cayuga closely followed follo Happy TIme until the home stretch where he weakened Greenock stopped badI badly after being beIng be- be Ing In third place and In a contending contending con con- tending posItion Whisker Kentucky derby winner winner win win- ner and the odds on favorite annexed an- an the Stahley produce stakes for year olds at Woodbine park Toronto with added The field was wa small but selected Harry Payne crack entry rIdden ridden rId rId- den by Jockey Josiah easIly defeated defeated de- de the CanadIan King Basil was thIrd The mile and quarter one was run run In 2063 35 Running on a sloppy track Wisdom Wis- Wis dom R. R E. E Clarks Clark's old 2 chestnut colt galloped off with the Prospect sIx and one half furlongs at Churchill Downs Mickey D. D and Golden Racket fin fin- finished second and third Wisdom well handled by Jockey D. D Smith tok the lead early In the race and led the processIon to the fInish a nose in front of Mickey D who was gainIng fast Th The time 1 21 was excellent considering con con- considering track condItions The Sage stables stable's Flippant wIth Jockey Fields In the saddle and quoted at 8 to 1 In the betting won the Bay View handicap lp choice offerIng on the card at Aqueduct HIs vIctory was a surprIse HIgh Star another long shot was second second sec sec- ond with Light Carbine the favorite favorIte favor favor- Ite third and Black Panther fourth Black Panther and High Star I I quIckly drew away from the rest relt of the field but at the tuna turu into the stretch HIgh S Star lr rm ran Into a long lead He tired suddenlY and Flippant came with a rush and won In a drive by half a length Star won the place by the same margin The race was worth and the mile and one one- sIxteenth was run in 4 Iron Mask II ridden by Jockey Jocke Allen Anen took ort off the fourth race at atHa Ha Hawthorne six furlongs for an all ages Seventeen Sixty anal Sixt H. H P P. P Gardner entries were second sec sec- sec end ond and third respectively Th The e time was 1134 |