Show I MODISH M Every MITZI-Every ITZI Every MIrror Has its i. i ts Use I I All Matth Matthew Mark rights Registered w Adams protected U. U bythe S. S Pat George GeorgeI Office B Y J Jay ay V I it c Mitzi has just been redecorating her room and one of the important things about a room Is the placing of Is iu right for Polly to see her blouse of gray georgette with Its plastron of velvet Its not a along long blouse it fits tightly about Pollys Polly's hIps r I Eleanor i anor at t an another ther mirror across the room Isable is able to survey with great content her own red crepe blo s se h has has' hasa a double bol ro rd line Une and rid three trim bs to show what may b be done with the j b t i in tailored effects This blouse Is slightly and r.-and so sols is the n mirror MitzI plans aliI J K L' L Adelaide l mirror i for herself herselt Adelaide's AdelaId s 's blouse Is almost a tunIc tunIc-i tunic tunic-is's s 's ameta cl th with velvet e vet 1 n At oU j. j an severe outlines outlines' only accent the loveliness of the The tunic silhouette Is one ot of the fashionable features of the S T r iv ivI I fJ lj W n l 1 yo I Then of course theres there's a full length l the door It re reflects very nl ni ely ce lone ot of the n nW W tunic dresse t. t anxious to know Doth thInk she has too many mIrrors in the pIe with one voice they aU all answer No not Tomorrow Costume Jewelry |