Show I Jy dY Maryland ir r. r Tonight to J 4 IY y Mar Maryland land which opens opens nt at the tAt Salt Lal Lake e theatre tonight for fora a tree day re engagement nga with a n matt matt- nee n on n Saturday is said to tense and stirring rJ- rJ moments as a powered high of rhe st story r concernS Barb Bart Bar t b ra Frietchie n a daughter or of who trio falls In in love with an In- In 1 UnIon officer To save To-save sa ve him f uin or the Ule Confederate forces to 1 ich cause she is a loyal e. e f s she le Is forced to shoot one of the themen men hien In gra gray and defy her father I Dramatic situations tire aro built on to the end that the audI audI- is often kept on the edge of I s seats Interspersed with thIs pUlsating moving drama Sigmund ho also composed Blossom TIme TImea a ad d The Student Prince has bas won wo wo- n a melodic envIronment that breathes musIcal beauty In renti- renti movements and stirs the f et to moving rhythm when stir sUr- march tempos are are revealed w The The Shubert are sendIng close to toone one hundred people to sing and play m musical romance ot of the tho CivIl s n especially selected cast inc In- In c fl ln Leonora Allen AUen I Frank Talor Lalor I udo L' Raymond Millie l James Irene leolIe Comer Lucius Metz Metz James Heenan and LloYd will I 11 I among the pals seen y |