Show 1 BETTY BLAIR p Leit Letters r and questions for the tho department should be addressed to Miss Betty Detty Blair Hearts Heart's Haven Salt Lake Telegram Write only on one side r bf f the paper It Is necessary to append your name and address but these thes I I are held In confidence and will not be published Lost ost and found notices cannot be published In the column V Dear ar Miss Blair S M May Y I c come c again This This is what IS troubling menow I am 17 years rd ci and on on account of sickness h have ve b en n. n out of school for two years I am just in the ninth grade gade If I go on to fo chool I will will graduate from high school when I 1 just turned 20 My relatives think that I should finish high school and that is also my desire butt but others seen to think that it is s disgrace to finish when J i am 20 years Tears old Mis Blair is it such an unusual thing for anyone to graduate ate from high school at that ige age H Hope p I do not do not come too often ANXIOUS gra e cm n the the contra y It would be a dIsgrace if y rou did not hall hail the to go on and to be graduated from high school And Andt t l when you are through high attend college it if yoU can do so Go into the biggest ID In thE land and see the gl git l number number or of headed gray men and J. jo joyously puri pur- pur i Whoever thinks are too old at my age to accumUlate knowledge ledge lacks foresight ht n judgment Io Do not listen c. c 10 them my dear Pack up that gUm Immer mar of oC false pride with regard j your being a year or so 50 older t p ome who are graduating and It in the can along with rubbish Think only of oC Young you ou are and ot of how y years the knowledge you ou will t. t 1 have yet yetto to serve ser ou d ard 1 J It stand stanl In the way of oC ar It You are alwa always s AnxiouS AnxiouS' Shall be happy f rn of oC your our progress at r. Dea Miss Blair Wi Will l you please send me the an- an sw to this question Are children b fn in foreign countries of Americ Amen Ameri- c parents citizens of the United States I thank you very kindly t 6 P. P t statute pr provides ldes that that born Q of American parents In foreign are alc American citizens It ti J requires that they declare their as American citizens short short- fy fter they reach the thc age of 18 hi brin other othel w wards must register as the foreign born barn ot of American parents acu ac- ac u vp t p as the laws of 4 most countrIes are ale such that dren born within the confines fJ hell domains are citizens of that l I In n our own case It If they to the UnIted Stat States s and dere de re themselves within a time after they reach their maIt maIty ma- ma It It Is not required of them t Ity take but naturalization I a ers ers' this Hope makes the mat mat- lc r S De Blair tread read you your corner every morning and appreciate it very much Now for a few question Can you tell tel me what iodized emulsion is made of and what it is used for I never heard of its use but just saw a bottle bottle bot- bot tle AI Alsa sa does someone have a recipe fort for mustard pickles One more j question What can I put on my my fingernails to keep them from breaking off Hoping these do not nots s soUnd too foolish and thanking you JERRYc JERRY c Was Jt It- Iodized emulsIon or cod cod- IJ er or what There are many l h emulsions ot of something or orI I herbut on one one- must know what beIre beRre be- be Ire op can say MY ot of what it Is corn com 01 what its use The term Iodized means that something has D n treated with a and d ernul emul I as used useI n in pharmacy means a of oil and water held together together to gether by ft mucilaginous substance To To- emulsify rally generally speaking to reduce to a liquid form Corm WIth ith minute particles held in suspension sus- sus p pension as the he fat at globules bues are re held c. c In new milk mUk But one must know hat it Is that has been reduced Am gIving you a recIpe for lard tard pickles pc peck k small white onions 3 cauliflowers 3 p nt gre green n peppers peck green tomatoes small cucumbers 3 or 4 small red peppers In bag cover then them with pInt salt let stand over night Next day place in large pan and add 1 ounce mace ounce Ounce celery seed U li tablespoons brown sugar 1 gallon vinegar 1 cup mustard Mix mustard mustard mus- mus tard well vell With sugar and make paste with part ot of the gal Bo hour GIve your na l an olive oil masI massage mas- mas sage every every nIght t to l them When not so brittle they not I break off oCt so readily Not foolish at all and you rou are welcome Dear M Miss ss Blair In Sundays Sunday's s 's Haven I read the letter of Hopeful who had scars on her f face ce and ing to know how to remove them I should like to give hermy ence in this regard My little girl when running very fast fell on the thedoor thedoor door scraper arid and cut her face very badly A three cornered cut left a avery avery very deep and u ly scar I 1 did not call a doctor at t the e time her face was cut but treated it the best I could Later with the cuts healed leaving scars a doctor told to meto bathe the scars several times a day with a solution made by dissolving 2 tablespoons of epsom salts in 2 1 teacup of boiling water I did this with a soft rag which I kept handy right in the solution A fine coating coating coat coat- ing of skin begins peeling off from the scar I continued this of frequent bathing with the epsom salt solution for at least on one year and at the enc end of that time the scar had disappeared This same solution solution tion is also very good for raw cuts A cloth wrung from the solution and kept on the sore with a dry cloth over it will cure an infection and heal the wound I am giving you this information because I think that there may be many of your readers who will be glad to know as aswell aswell well as Hopeful My address is West Third South Phone Was M. MRS H. H E. E D. D We thank you Mrs H H. E. E D. D for your very interest and tr trust st that Hopeful and ni 1 ny nr others will profit by your experience experience- and and- the it IL Let Lct us po ilo something for you Dear Miss Blair Bair color is Pola Negri's hair Also what color are her eyes Best wishes for success Thanks APPOLONIA We Ve have hae In N gris gri's bl biography graphy gra- gra phy the only C Ing her hair and that eyes they are dark Thank you fot tile the wish and come come Dear Miss Blair I enjoy Hearts Haven much more than so so am coming to you for the first time with some of my troubles I had a gray georgette georg ette dress cleaned have only worn it once since and have almost ruined i under the arms with tion Could you please teI me what I an do to remove the stains without with out having it cleaned over again Wishing you tons of good luck LS SG L. G. G Sorry L. L S. S G. G but we know pt pf nothing that we can positively guarantee guarantee guar guar- antee will remove the perspiration staIns If the color has been made to run even the cleaners clean clean- ers will t guarantee a a. complete renovation reno You might experiment with Thoro o Or or some other ot of the commercial cleaners but is one ot the hardest hardest hard hard- est stains to be removed Much better better bet bet- ter to guard against such a calamity by taking proper precautions in the begInning Glad that you like the column and hope t u will bring a problem on which we can really help Dear Miss Blair Will you please give me the ad ad- dress of Edna Murphy Thanking you in advance MOVIE LOVER Address Warner Yarner Brothers Brothers' Studios Studios Stu- Stu dios Sunset wood Hollywood Cat Cal Welcome Dear Miss Blair I have a nickel dated 1866 Will you please tell me if It has a value Thank you JOE The premium value or of your 1866 nickel Is from 5 to 20 cents Joe Take It to Mr Callahan of the Calahan Cal a han book store and let him appraise it for you ou Ahva Always 3 welcome |