Show SUGAR K S A Says or of n a lSe Christian tl n A Malsen Madsen presIdent of the Sugar company writes to the News from Crom Utah at as Dear to an article In Inthe the thO Evening New of oC February both somebody in the Salt Lake Herald took It themselves to foreshadow doing of oC o lor which of course COUri we t are ellot not We e lane again this year beet growers ot of our clubs In Sanpete anti counties antI others Interested to convene In Gunnison on Feb eb runty next to Iu conclude op oJ sar sary measures of improvement on that We e tire With Ith being offered t experienced cd adVice but we do not noC boo be 1110 We ve hR have 1 tu to so go through C ordeals be had It to do but whIch now ought to bo be only historic NeIther do wo we In any way consider It to drIve time the wedge of cC proper competition when done donI maid for Cor the tho gOOd or of people coin puny will have hao anything for Cor so 0 will do so 10 over n nOr r own |