Show or if lons finns for line Iho U S R Nitty New e York Feb special to the from says lYS This rears naval bi bill will 11 cary carry mo money than hl has bun been voted ote by br Congress In any regular an annual annual nual bi but sines nt the CIvil wor ane and probably wl authorize n ex exPenditures I as great as ae thos those under tine the regular an and the allot intents ments from the f million milon dollar dolar 1199 defense fund In the fol fiscal year The ot of the nn nay department for tor the year u and tine the department would Uj hike to f hays every ewry cent for which it asked Congress wil will Bole seals down tine the but I it l is when nt at tine the I least bi bill st 1 in it I I carry The frt first draft ot of tine the measure mure I has been prepared b by a on sail I Is now under IMe con b th full rull commIttee nine 1 lid not fin de r r garding tine auth or or regarding ot of for or already the th mn matters committee to 10 b be considered b by the tul full Ee Even with th these l ol lon the fr first draft ot of the bi bill carries n a total o abt It Is the aim Im ot of the committee to bring th the total In the bi bill the for tor n new hp And armor down don to In 00 but It I Is doubtful whether tini can b done one Aside from tine items tinder tl the bead of the tho Ine increase Me of oC the fR for tor the theo department o estimated m An I In n crease ot of more mor than tine the heaviest increases fire tinder the heed ot of works work Including nt at nn navy yard ard antI and stations new newdy dr dy dok docks and nt nw buildings nt at the he M as al I Mi TI Tine eBI sell mates for tor toole footed up near Mar MarIy nearly ly Iy OO nn an increase ot of mor more than The house committee hu has not yet t d de decided clde whether al all th the nw new ships r ree e by Secretary Long shall hall be authorized this year or nt not In Iii view ie ot of tine the fact that little progress ha bee been mAde with tine ships authorized last lut lutar year ar rind and Q as the ship yards Ir ot of th the country ar are p pretty ty Well pl filled with work I there is I a I disposition on tile the pact ot of same ft of Conre onrey ht not to au auth trl th the Cul nil program urge urged b by the The Th r I is that ot t providing armr armor for tine Ir ad authorized ThUr sub has not lt taken up |