Show I lIve io Out of r I J IIII 1 Itter the Combine Pittsburg Pa Feb long of the tho steel sheet mills of the country was formed ormed tit at a 11 meeting here today con concerns cerns out of beIng len Sen ted Tide Tho capital stock was fixed at m of whIch will be pro pre erred carrying seven a per cent and common Ten million of the wIll Lie be treas treal treasury ur ury stock and the entire or of orthe the common stock wiil III be placed In B a aNew New York bank or B a year e r None Nono of tide the stock wili be put IUt on the tho market the owners taking It alt 1111 The Iho concerns outside the combine are aro the tue Apollo Iron Steel Co of Vander grift 11 Pa W D Woods Co port Pit Pa ZU Zug Co and the tho Whittaker Iron Co 0 ot of Wheeling These tour four firms control mills milia anti the combIne sixteen mills The Tho name of the ne now combine will probably be American Steel Sheet Company The company expects to have hae nil all tie de tails arran arranged 1 to start business within thirty days drys |