Show TIm Method Or of for In discussing the United States min minIng mm lag Ing exhibit at the Pats Paris expositIon the and Mining Journal III the following to say sayA sayA A specIal feature o of the United States department or of mining and metallurgy In the mIneral palace at al the comIng Paris PIls exposItion that Is likely to Lo attract the attention and Interest of scholars and students student 1 Is associated wih wIth the cl eel exhibits or of systematIc mIneral minerai mIneralogy og ogy and ld metallurgy I arl In the year time tho director of thIs department decIded that this exhibit should contain sam pin pIes so far lr I as they could be obtained ot of al all the minerals occurring In the tho United States and In the eiGht groUps of Danas or of ion ton The peculiar fetu feature of this work II Is to tob tobe b be found however In that the collection or of the these mInerals has been committed to of five of our leading educational institutions In to bring thIs plan to a successful II b ote necessary to se secure so of and cure certain sums o money over oer above that which could be rm rein the national fund 11 To elet title thIs the department entered wih State bOn boards the themselves and and p pa trans of at the same the he Ium sum requIred be beIng belag lag Ing promptly secured The nel next step ate was to authorIze e the directorS or of each Institution to name a candidate should receive the or of Honorary mineralogist for or the o of the UnIted States to the of recognition and hotter whIch WIS vas ful fully appreciated and accepted by itil I R nn an additional incentive to active effort and anel In view of th the fact that the institutions or their friends had ron ren dere tiered financial nl os as aswell well os as intelligent professIonal servIce I It wa deride decided that each or of tl lyer sever several al collections should at the end of the bo be nt returned urnel to lo and beme become the of thy instItutIon wh whose candidate had clete collected amid arranged I It TIm Thu results have far exceeded nn an and the display is II certain to admiration nt net on l I of 11 its intrinsic value alue an and completeness but ali also owing to the unique character or of Il its origin |