Show WANT MORE MEN IN SOUTH AFRICA British Military Opinion Calls for to s I OF TIlE jIBE ns Oppose the W Valium leers About Soldiers tEeny New York Feb dispatches announcIng the British retirement at atHens Hens berg lire are not s satisfactory Our losses are not yet et known till says the tho Dall Daily Malis correspondent There Was hot nil all dB day and at night the theUrl Url retreated Title news Is the themore themore more depressing to tn London because only a few tew days ago it Il was bt be len Gen French wall ves about to take If H the lie a are able to 10 defeat len Gen Clemonts in decisive a en they ina may threaten Lord Hob fob ers base o of at Do De liar ar June Junc lout This Thill unexpected show t strength b by the tho Hoers nt at Co be has ha a amazed those who vIto were predicting nn an easy march for Lord ION Roberts through the lie Free FrH State The rhe experts who ho saw In Gen capture and abandonment of oC Vaal 1 a fine piece o of strategy say 11 that len Oen retreat to liens ten berg bell ta 1 part of the same nine poll policy to on laKI aKi large Qt Boors Lord CronJe It Is believed that list Ian Uen huller lisa hag withdrawn It n his whole force torce Drift anti Springfield to Chieve lay ley and is exactly where he began two to months air Ago STILL MEN MENThE MENThe ThE London Leaders war expert says South African military opinion calls A for tor or more men as eoon as possible and this on the ground of mercifulness and economy Title would bring Iring our there up to nearly a quarter er of n a million men and ami this force to down two small whose united white while lion Is supposed not to exceed men women children and Nothing but this tact fact was I needed to the futility of the minis mini ministerial scheme of army reorganIzation laid before on Monday The precise nature o of Lord Robert movements on Modder and ancl Orange Orance are wrapped In mystery Certain ilia it Is that the country that Ore Gen french the Joers out of ofIn ofIn In northern Cape Colony Clony has been reo cc oc by the Doers Gen Duller Is keeping his hili own secrets but wo we may louk for far another move moe on his part In a ada aday da day or lr two to probably to east ot of Colen Colenso so The Morning war expert The announcement ot of new MW appoint appointments ments menta confirms the supposition that n a large force has now been at Madder River The offensive he cannot be carried on along the tho whole line and ond the tue corn must determIne the point ut at which hI he will vIli net It looks looK as 8 though the had talc take en lr forc forces awn away from f cia eln to 10 the at where ii a tr would threaten the British between Capetown and h td 1 lOver er erThe The expert I th h to the American Civil ChII war or lit itt the th time Ime when the Q army 1111 of the held all 11 the to forces tI In WillIe the tho armies moved dr de a 1 athe the and h the heart lart ot of th the confederacy to and SaC Savannah nah and thence north In j Le Lees reAr S O J CT TO 10 WAlt WAIl Ont ant Fob oh HIn the house last night a discussion arose about aboul the departure ot of Gen Can commander ot of time the Canadian troops Dt Borden minister or of milItia said that he was ot Of the opinion that the law should hollid be changed s to II as to a Canadian to 10 fill the Position On the tho granting for the contingents to South Africa Mr Ir M 1 p made mad a strong h th the government war warby by he said should have first been called N r p I V j 1 N I fI fIg I g p I IP P 3 1 a Li 4 t r rC t j jt C t 1 COLONEL X H 0 O 0 PLUMER IS LEADING TROOPS TO THE RELIEF BELIEF or OP One ot of the most interesting minor characters In tile ho South wn Is Colonel Planter leader ot of the fore force that left Von Tall Tull weeks ao ago end I Is th railroad t I tb the relief relle o of nt at Mafeking On Gui leb 2 lIe hI had readied h Is about 75 touts north ot of where lie he wa a In iii n a tight with till the lie HI I Is nid to 10 n and four trains A A AA A A A A A AA A A A Al AA AJ While admitting that the had claims which deserved recognition lie hI also expressed sympathy the Beers anI and declared declare strongly agaInst Ism In Canada Mr Ir Monet liberal opposed the rello lie Ht said lust Canada had harl noth nothIng nothing Ing to do with the war and anil should hould have taken no part In U it and she would not ha have anything to do with the tho indemnity that would bt be obtained CALL CAIL IT A MENACE London Feb news ot of the day Is the retirement ot of the British from district under I heavy noor floer and probably after brisk fighting thus rhu at a time when Lord Is apparently able alle to push an arm army into Inlo the Free Stale the a counter stroke In unknown but Lut seemingly great force nut not tar far from the vital line o of con connecting De Au and Orange river Military tIo do not regard this as more than n a menace Nevertheless the news produces an unpleasant Em hero here Gen French ma maneuvered maneuvered the Doe out ot of In InI I On January lit let It was all cc reo that lie he could take In Into two to Ila days with reinforcements These were rent but the Hoers floors were wert also reo to Since then th the BritIsh lineS ha have 0 been bein extended east cut and west so that at the lie opening ot o th W sk they ther constituted a great horseshoe twenty fire fie miles In length The lines were not contiguous but Iut nil all tie tho strong sI lions iere le held CO Gen Con French when he Joined Lord nobert presumably took look most o of lila his cavalry Gen was left with the Infantry to hold the In check but Commandant 1 elare with a double turning Int increment ement has hils com coin compelled pelted the to concentrate besides threatening Lord lor communIcation The Hoer m mastery ot of the district has hall caused n a spread of oC the insurrection but this no doubt will be promptly suppressed as large British forces are available nol clot far away The fh indication u a to Gen immediate Ie Intentions are nrc contradictory One Informant who has haa Intimate tela reia Ions with the ware predicts a movement within the next day or two A number ot of who ha hav bt been en with Ion Uen have hae gone to for a feo few das test Under the that list nothing in 18 to be 0 done Immediately I The war has hils directed the eighth division ot of memi to prepare togo out STATE STATEMENT I IN London Lundon Feb tiu house ot of Thomas fur tor lI its ulet If gas niChe ot of n tl ii the the Clue aro In iii the Em pariah parliament The was set down for II a month hens henGl but bUI It Is not likely that timpa Will be found then for discussion TIle The under secretary of state lat for tor the foreign III hit linn him St Jhn Ick Wf was ked tilt had received all ll from modifying hit made In 1155 by the lit of fr ign affairs Baron Marshal to the effect l German only polIcy was ii lit of the as al ati 1111 In e with the treaty truty of l H HIt It Ii that no communIcation had been from the German government relating to ii convention of at 1114 which lie be added lIS as a matter ot of fad wo was terminated by the state ot of war NO 0 I The under secretary ot of state for the war Mr set let at street t all 1111 the stories o of Government In In the ot of Com Coni Acting Marshal Lord LonI to select the generals corn com mending In South AfricA Replying to toI toa a I question Mr paul the corn com commanders manders In the field Were tel selected ted b by subject to the he approval ot of tile the ot of for War and added that every selection election ut forward had been apPl approved When debate Oil ott the Arm Arm supple mentA Was resumed Mr Ir Wyndham during the course ot of hi hIs speech POh that an attempt would be made to democratize the lie army which he said he thought ought not to be It closed to who did not enjoy enjo on an income ot of from IZUO to a ar ayr yr r Mc lr niso said It WA was Q a scandal Indal And dnn danger r to time tile empire that men could not enter the cavalry their fathers were wert able abl to give them 00 n a ear earThe earThe The under secretary further an announced flounced that thal It was not intended to volunteers In Ireland DOER flensberg Fel Australian newl per cor correspondent Mr fr tea an interesting visit tu to the hoer c mp Bunda Sunday to make Ill a to the fate ot of hi his Mr 11 hale lIale of the London Daily News Nes who wu captured at the time Mr Lambie or of the Melbourne Melbourn Age ne WAS killed Mr lr Hoar arrived It at camp When before Con Com mandant Delare his hIlS oy eyes Were tinged doged I ell MId lie he deeply regretted that hit hita n a had been beau killed and lila hla sympathy with Mr widow Mr Ir It flea wag then theno o escorted to Mr Ir lamble grave grae and the lAtter Watch at h and other personal et were han handed over to Mr Hen Tue Informed hit Hea that the tue two to republics republica lund had men lighting fighting were able ahle to continue the war or In definItely I BRITISH SOLDIERS LOSE IOSE THEin THEinA A 1 Feb Petit lieu In from rom PretorIa pub pul lishes an extraordinary account ot of British who It ft Is hr by the writer arrived toward the end ot of Dt Do cembor cember last during the tho retreat from Dundee nt at the river the boun dat between let and guess territory According AC to the nar narrative time the had lost their wa way anti hll wandered for tor weeks week In In shoeless In niga and dying ot of hun bun huner bunger ger er These Thello soldIers the correspondent AS were irate thought to have hav been up with SIr George In Lad Lady smith |