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Show MEDICAL TESTS OF Of tha IM children attending the t rg 1 n I n -.eh oo nf th T' n I ve r i t y of Utah, 102 hava been found to ha suffering; suf-fering; from ey diseases and defects; 13 from ear trouble; M from oiseased ton 11 and adenoid, and 15 from defective de-fective teeth. Thl report doe not Include th first and second grade. Thes are tha finding nf !r. W M. Stookey of the achool nf medicine, who haa Jut completed a survey covering a period of three yeara. A special effort ef-fort ha been put forth to make the survey exhauatlve and accurate In order or-der to demonstrate to all the school district of tha state the Imperative need of medical examination of every ,-hlhl that enters y l.ool j In commenting on the Importance and meaning of Ma Investigation. lr. Ktockey aya: "Kd"cittion I the greatest enemy of j crime and where education I not pos-! pos-! aible. crime la always sure tn raise Its I head. - Th war cry against - crime i ahould he ed mart on, and where educa-, educa-, tion la ajifftcult or Impossible, owing to physical detect and diseases, immediate imme-diate step ahould be taken tn relieve or remove uch defects so that children mny be able tn receive and profit by achool education. CURES EFFECTED. Mlr. Cronln ha found In one school MM defective backward children. Of these, 137 hail Miaeaaed tonsils and adenoids ade-noids and thirteen had defective eyes. Theae condltinna were removed and almost al-most all of the children became good and tractable pupils. This i a striking strik-ing Illustration of what may be done In other school. "Tuouaanda of children already owe their emancipation from disease and defect to examlnatlona made at schools. One need not hesitate to say that every board of Aeaith and board of education. In this country is committing com-mitting a miral and social crime if they do not insist upon at leaM an animal systematic examination of et-hool children's eyes, ears, nose and throat, and to use ever) reasonable means toward public education along these line. The physical condition of ! euch school child should be known to both parent and teacher at the time he enter actionl. DUTY OF STATE. "The purent should Je asa.Med and encouraged to appreciate the necessity j of giving proper care to children whose physical and mural growth is being aerioi.sly Interfered with. And since I the state demands the child's attend-I attend-I auce at school, the atate should bear at lean a pan of the responsibility of aHiiK to it that the cti.id ia in the beat f coi.uitioQ possible to profit by school j attendance. Also the training and edu-) edu-) cut ion of the teacher ahould l supple-I supple-I menteU sufficiently by proper course I of instruction to enable her to prwperly 1 understand the child phyaicullv and j ph shiogically. .With thts additional ! preparation on the part of the teacher. I sue will b well qualified to be the j herlth inspector of her own c3io. and . will be dotbTy atuable bolhaeM j teacher and a a member ff ociety." |