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Show LIVELY INTEREST IN POLITICS ALL . OVERWEST Aspiration of Two Women . for Togas Attracts Attention By Aaseslatea Prats. BAN rilANClSCOjS'ot. a. Political campaigners of tha Far West rested today from their la bora nd looked confidently forward to tha declalon at tha polls tomorrow. In a' few of tha eleven Western states, where candidate candi-date will be choaen for state and national na-tional offices, the contests were as bitter as any In tha history of their statehooris. but for the most part tha campaigns were conducted quietly, but with no leaeenlns of a determination to win. Influenaa epidemics compelled com-pelled an abandonment of public tnmitinmm mnA MnrilrilM turn to the malls and newspapers to reach ths voters. The West is particularly Interested In ths outcome of the IWilted Stales senatorial contests In Nevsda and Montana, where Mlsa Anna Martin, tha well known suffragist and Representative Represen-tative Jeanette Kankin, respectively, have made strenuous campaigns. Tilrtv-jhrce reKreaenlatlves Snd nine senators are to be elected in An-sona. An-sona. Colorado. Washington, Oregon. Nevada, Montena, Idaho, I'tsh. New Mexico. Wyoming and California. Moat of these statea also will choose governors and ntlro eta, ticketa. In California. Theodore A. Bell, s Democrat, running aa an Independent, Is opposing Oovernor William U. Stephens, Republican, for governor. Prohibition also will be an lasua la Csllfomls. Two measures ara on the ballot, one provldea for "bone dry" prohibition and the other for regula. tlon of the liquor traffic which would abolish saloons. |