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Show Locate Your Voting Place Here Is the Complete List - Ilm is lln Male list nf rllg And osunty voting piacea announced by County Clerk Thomae Homer. Great difficulty dif-ficulty was eaperteneed In obtaining voting places Iri soma districts, on account ac-count of the Influenaa epidemic. . The Hat given below, however, is complete . and official, he eayi: Platritt 1 Sumner gt'lluvl. I airs. A. H. Utile, 111 South Fourth East. 1- Mrs Mary U. Watts. 7St Park atreet. 4 Mrs. C. W. A. Schneil. 7M South Ninth East. t Emigration ward meeting nsuss, ft Beat Seventh Houth. George . Manwaiing, lilt South riflh Kaet. I Thirty-first ward meeting house, 1141 Ninth Beat. t Le Grand amusement hall. No. I Tale and Mil'lelland avenue. I Mas. Frank Hale. Hit East Thirteenth Thir-teenth South. Itt Bamu.l S. .Russell, 1U South State. II Waterloo pharmacy, 40 Bast Eleventh Elev-enth South. 12 Hawthorne school, corner Seventh Eeet and seventeenth South. II 'hrls Helm. lbl Houth Ninth Esst. 14 l.yon drug store. Seventeenth South and Kleventh fast. 1 fcdith Parsons, its Downlngtsn avenue. 15 Richards amusement hell. Garfield avenue between Klghth and Ninth Eaat. 17 George Haviile, :ai Mouth Seventh Eaat U Mrs. Anna T. Boa hard, 1411 Highland High-land drive. ' Sheltoa hotel. 111 South Weat Temple. ti Old county Jail, ?4i Weat Second South. Zii Mrs. Vida Boh ling, 7H West First South. 2 Mary E. Uutchinsoa. ISM Euclid avenue. 10 reery hotel. 11 Weet Third South. II Mrs. h FT Butterwerth, 42 Weal Third South. t Mlore hiilMing, U Weet Broadway I-Mn r H Baad , ill BoyJaWe.il Temple. 14 Hivth ward meeting house, 440 South Third !. U Twenty-fifth ward meeting house, 41 South Kighth Weet. M r'nwMt ward annas. 704 South Weet Temple. 7 Thirtieth ward l amusement ha a, Jeffereon and Clots avenue. nrtn ward amusement ball. Tie South Second Weet. Twenty-elth ward meeting basse, 140 Weet Klghth South. 4a Gymnasium, Beptlet ehureh, Indiana In-diana and Arapahoe atreeta (Thirteenth Weat). el Seventeenth ward meeting house. et Relief society hall. SI sixteenth ward meeting house. 111 North Fifth Weet. 4 George W. Tlmpaon, 144 West South Temple. tt Perley Hill. 411 Tenter atreet. It Irene Rippeto, 111 North Weat Temple. (7 Twenty-second ward amusement halt. Fourth North and Second Weet. M W. F. NoaU, it Weet Fourth South. William retmull. 41T Oakley atreet. I so Mrs. Mergeret Fernatrom, lot West Fourteenth North. 7 John A. Kimball, tt Eaat North 77 Hertha M. Gray, It Third avenue 7ft Twentieth ward amusement hall. Second avenue, comer of D. 7 Mrs J. A. Maynea, 176 O street. . to Joseph P. Evana, 111 K etreet. ti J. S. Caetleton, 1121 Second avenue. 12 Frank Pooock, lilt Fourth avenue. tt Sixth aveoue drug store vscant store next door). Sixth avenua and E atreet. t Hayftea avocery atora. til J atreet. tt Rnelgn school, between Ninth and Tenth evemtee, K and F atreeta lei Duatla drug atora. First South and State. lf2-rJamea Freed man, 122 South See-and See-and Baat. lot J. a Piatt, 141 Mouth Third Fast. 104 Mrs. M. L. Crawford, tit East South Temple. , I n1 mre. L, race scnorieia, tit Harmony Har-mony piers. lot (leorgs Cerfer, IJT Lincoln street. 1S7 Mrs. Johnson, lt4t East Second South. io Agnea Price. Il Eset First Sou'h. let wilherapoon drug stera. Fifth Cset snd Hrnedway. lift Ruth M. Penrose, 1M South Ninth Esst. 111 Moxum hotel. Fourth South and State. 112 Catherine t. McLaughlin. Ml East Fourth South. 1U-rusor house, tit South Susat Eset. 114 Ninth ward meeting hougs. lit Peter Hanson. 421 South Seventh Eeat. lit T. V. Knglish. t2 Cast Fourth South. 117 F. C. Hadder, lilt Bast Fifth South. 124 F. V. Ballard. Ninth Bast aad Vine street (Murrey). 127 Holllday meeting hsuss. 12 Mill Creek meeting house. 111 Burton school. Stale etreet between be-tween Seventeenth and Twenty-ftret South. 112 L'nlty Cot tag. hall. Burton avenue. ave-nue. Ut Savage etore. Seventeenth South and Twenty-first Kaet. 1x4 City a dam. Farley'e canyon. lie Miller ward amusement had. Thlrty-lhlrd South and Slate. Hi Granite High acheol. lSx White Broe.' atora. Fourteenth South and county road. I 141 lintel Nn t llarftelrt t49 Klrat National Bank hutldlng-, Mas; na. 14.1 Harrvla eluh; Bacentia. 14 Hunter amusement hall. f 147 North Point maeUna faoue (P. H. Ru.ly. WNaatrh 4U-W. 14 HriRhion maetlna; honee. 1 4 4 rename ward maetlna: houae. 1 & Ta vloravf II ward meetlna; houae. in Mldvalo theatra office. iAT 'ttv hall. Mtdvale. r f'ninn amusvrrnnt halt. Union. i;.a ButlfrvMU mMtlns; houae. )wj K KolH, rardtri mtna. I f in i nary school halWIns;. South j , State. Handy. ! I MT -t hall, dandy. j lu limnlt meetlna; hall. l8tlUweira atore. Alia. 171 4'rrnt ward maetlna; heuee. 172 Nv amttswmant halt Prapar. J 7 VTfii Jordan amaaement halL 177 Jordan Mercantile atore. 17---Rlverien ward meetlna; houae. 1 ? Hulffdale amuaement hall, inn Ham man meettna; houa. 14 Mr vera hotel, Blnsrham. 1X7 'lar' atore. Blnsjham. 1k rhoenta town hall. Fhoenli. 1i o. O. r. hall, t'opparfiald. lt Hihiand Boy hotat, Btnaham. 191 I'tah Cop par Hotel. Blnfhajw. Mra. pooi hall, lerk. 1J EnsjtiVKa raaidanoe. Upper Bint;-ham. Bint;-ham. ltv Mr Henry' livery SUM. Murray 17 Murray city tiaTI vacant atore thre doorri aouttn. Murray. Bacofid ward amuaenafit kail, Murray. I at rtrt ward anaetiny homaa. Murray Mur-ray toe Ward sweeUns houae, L4vetietelU. |