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Show Rupture Kills 7000 Annually Seven thousand persons sarh year are laid away (ha burial certificate bejng marked "Rupture." Why? Because tha unfortunate ones ha4 neglected theen-selves theen-selves or had been merely taking ears of tha sign fswelltng) ef tha afflict too and paying- no at tan 1 1 on ta tha cause. What ara you doing 7 Ara you neglecting your-lf your-lf by wearing a truss, appliance, or whatever nama you choose to rait It? At best, tha trusa la onbr a makeshift a false prop agmlnet a collapsing walk and cannot ba expected to act aa mora than a mere mechanical support. Tha binding sreeaure retards blood circulation, thua robbing tha weakened muscles of that which they naad moat nourishment. hut aclanca haa found a way, and every truaa sufferer In tha land la Invited In-vited to maka a KRKB teat nht In tha privacy of - thatr own horn. Tha PLJtPAO method la unquestionably the most scientific, logical and successful self-treatment for rupture tha world haa ever known. The r LAP AO PAD whan adhering closely to tha body cannot poselWy slip or shift out of place therefore cannot chafe or pinch. Kofi aa velvet easy to apply Inexpensive. To he used whilst you work and whilst you sleep. No straps, buckles or springs attached. Learn how to rloaa the hernial opening as nature Intended so tha ruptura CAN'T coma down. Hend your nama today ta P LAP AO CO., Block UOJ. Mt. Insula, Mo,, , for FREE trial Plapao. and tha Infortna- |