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Show JESS WILLARD AND WILLIE HOPPE DO NOT TAKE KINDLY TO WAR FUND PLAN Both Likely to Learn Word "Captain," "Lieutenant" and "Private" Mean More Than Title of ' Champion" WILLIE HOPPE and Jew AVillard. two of our most notable champion in the World of uport, have "takrn a run out" on the program of e vents ranged for New York City by the united .war work campaign com-' com-' mittee, who are endeavoring to raise $170,500,000 to aid our - fighter overaVan. There la no waa of framing; pretty worda tV0Tscribe their act lone. Thay aimply have quit cold. . Few expected W 11 lard to coma to tha front and give a battle for hie champion-ahlp. champion-ahlp. Bhrer alnca tha United Btatea he-came he-came Involved In tha meaa "over there," Jeaa haa dlaplayad no Inclination to lend -a helping hand. But nobody aver doubt- ad Hoppa'a wllllngneaa to get behind our fight era. That la, until tha preaent moment. mo-ment. Willaxd waa aaked to fight Jack Demp-aey, Demp-aey, a bout that In New tora would draw a quarter of a million dollara. He refuaed to meet Fred Fulton'a conqueror. But ha la willing- to box Walter Mono-Chan, Mono-Chan, a aparring partner whom ha met twice a day for 2W daya laat year. Thla bout wouldn't draw tan cent a OFFKRKD ClOOD BIDE SIT. Hoppa haa been asked to play Welker Cochran for tha billiard cnampionatiip. Not only aaked. but tha billiard committee commit-tee of tha united war work campaign algnlfled Its wllllngneaa to poet $l(KK) aa side bet on Cochran e chances. Hoppe always haa claimed he waa willing will-ing to play tha New York phenom If a aul table aide wager waa Included. Now that ha haa been offered a bet of fluoo, Hoppe aayg tha amount muei oe 13600 per aide. But Hoppa la willing to meet Corwin Huatoa. the national claaa A champion. Why doesn't ha agree to meet the writer of thla column, who never haa played a game of billiards? Kit her match would draw about as .much money aa Willard and his sparring partner. Hoppe and Willard verily believe "champion" la the great eat word In Mr. We hater' a good book. But they can take It from ua that "captain," "lieutenant" and "private" are words of greater alg-' alg-' nlftcance theae daya. Tha lade "over there" are giving their all, but Hoppa and Willard. In their nonahootable unl-forma, unl-forma, are giving nothing but that which Improved the Iniereata of their awn re-apectlve re-apectlve aelvaa. EXCUSE FOB HOFFI. Tha National Aeeocletin of Amateur Bill lard Ptayerv hagiMQd S iTatamartt" which endeavors lo oover" Hoppa, but tha diagulaa la aa awful thtnf . FANS WEAR MASKS. " LBXINOTON. Ky.. Nov. 4. Three (houaand peraone attended a foot hall game here Saturday wearing Influenaa ma ska The maaka ware worn in oonv-pllance oonv-pllance with an order of the at ate board of health. Police ware on iruard to aee that only thoee with maaka ware ad-pltte |