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Show GOMPERS APPEALS FOR SUPPORT OF PRESIDENT Labor Mission Join Leader in Asking Election of Democrats. y Aamlatid Press. NEW TORK. Nor. 4. hniul Ooaptnt president it the) Americas Federation of Lbor aad chairman of the American labor mlssloa. who arrived ar-rived at aa Atlantic port attar a two month tour of England, Franco and Italy, lut night leessd a statement urging; tba nation to "follow' tho prod-dent prod-dent and tho praaldant'a advtca, at least until aftar tho triumphant ooa cluetoa of tha war." Mr. Oompara aaid that while tha labor mission Is aot politically part la -aa "following neither the Republican nor tho Democratic party.- mem bare of tha mission who returned with bin concurred la hla appeal, feeling that tha failure of tha paapla to support tba president -would be interpreted by JiuLOJ)laJlXoulAllledcouDU'l a weakening . of the people of tho United Stales" and "would put new encouragement and a near leaaa of life Into too nrn. auatrlana." Explaining why tha members of tha mlaalon felt It as "the pajBrn?""' duty" of the people to support the prealdent. Mr. Oompara said: "The spirit smong all tha people of our allied countries, from presidents, kinga and oablneta to tha great- tnaae-ee. tnaae-ee. la tanaa In support of policies, pur-poaea pur-poaea and Ideals oat forth by Prealdent Wilson. They venerate him and have abeoluta confidence In tha course he has puraued and tha Ideals which he has Impressed on the eonsclouaneea of all. even the soldiers aad peoplee of Germany and Austria. "While having a great understanding understand-ing and appreciation of all that tha prealdent haa stood for la this war. they regard hla laet note to Auatria as tha master etroke. It eruahed tha spirit and morale of tho soldiers and people of our two enemy countries. Nothing eould be of greater injury to ths causa of tha United Statea and our alilaa In thia war than th waaJi-anlnv waaJi-anlnv of th paopl In thlr aupport of Praaldant Wllaon at thla iunctur.M eptmkinc of th work of th mlaalon In Rurop. Mr. Oompara aaid It bad bn uoaful Tar bayond our ti-pactatlona." ti-pactatlona." Ha aaid th maaadiaTa of riood will, aympathy and coot-ra-: tlon caTrid to th workara of tha at-hd at-hd eountrlea . war accord ad "moat hearty and nthualaatl reapona,"! and daclarad that th popl ahowad a ! detarmlnatlon to carry on th war to a triumphant coneiuai on. It wu announced that thoa inam-bara inam-bara of th mlaalon who have returned re-turned will attend th national laoor dmvnsTtratlof. In fMraro nt FHday. |