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Show FRIENDS PAY HONOR TO MEMORY OF SEN.KEARNS Hundreds at Calyary Cemetery Cem-etery for Final Services. Hundred who had known and honored hon-ored fnnwr Senator. Thorfla, Kearna paid their" lut respect to him yHMer-day yHMer-day afternoon when he waa buried in Calvary cemetery.'' . , Many were present who had known fjeeoelor rns during; h. la days of struggle se well aa tho great number tbt had known him after ha had become be-come successful and after hla fortune had placed him In th front ranks of Utah a financiers, i Flowers of every description sod ' bloong were piled over the large oaakat ! until It waa completely hidden from view. The grave waa also Covered with beautiful blossoms. The casket wee deposited In the a: rave Uy forrncr Oovernor William Spry, J.r Lynch. Kara Thompson, M. J. Ixttfev, J. J. Burke, Thomas Walden. Jeniea lvere Jr. and Charles Wutgley. - The cathedral choir sang; "O Heat In the Iord" as a prelude, after which the burial services were conducted by the Very Rev. K M. Cuahnahan of Ok1"V Wtedby Jhe Rf YJJ-"HthcL .ttzalutie of the latnedrttlof the Mag-delelne. Mag-delelne. Monalgnor Cushnahan, after re- i ferrlng; briefly to the career of Senator Kearna. said that the crowning; act of his life was the building and endow- ! ment of Kearna Kl. Ann a orphanage, ' where the little ones, mmm imrenia. , "Will ifKiuer round the cma) of Christ. Thla act alone waa more to Senator Kearna than all nf the wealth that he j ever amained, gavin the orphsna an opportunity of becoming; noble and true American cltisens, he a Id. Monalgnor Ctiahnahan eulogised Senator Sen-ator Kearna aa one of the great men of t'lah. Hie work In aiding; the poor. In supporting; the orphans aa well as educating edu-cating them were among- his many seta of kindness. In closing his address Motialicnor Ctiahnahan aald; "Senator Kearna Waa one of L'tah a great men, a cltixen whom we all loved and a friend if all the oppreaeed, and we meet today to say. 'Alas and adieu and to express our deepest sympathy for the bereaved wife, to whom he whs a faithful companion through life.- |