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Show ' JIIIIIHIIIIIIIIItlllllllllllllUIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIMIIII IIMU Sam at e u r 9 m A W WJ IHIIMMMIMnilflfMMIIMIMlAHIIIIIII S 1 1 r Lj S& By Tommy Fitzpatrick HltlllillllllllllltlllllllltllllltllllllllflllllllMIIMffllllllMllffltlllllflllllllflllltMIIII! I The Volorndo schools have also had to clone up the football shop on account of the (tpanhrft inftoertza; and tt appears that ihla epidemic m yet kl!. the good Id coln game unless the schools are opened within the next two weeks. .The government officials want to have foot-hall foot-hall played up to Christmas and, If the epidemic should fall off suddenly, the athletic ath-letic coach would have the regular two months to play off the schedule. The Utah weather of last season would have permitted football to bo played up to Christmas and If this holds true this sea- , eon the fans may yet have a chance to see some real fames on the east bench, tt haa been a long time since the fans saw a game In the snow and this would be an attraction at that, as would almost Any other athletic event at the present time. The coaches of the colleges and JnU scJuoli of Una state Jtra auger to get. started and are walling for Die school to open. There, will be plenty of hard i work ahead for the athletes, who can help nut greatly right now. If they will keep tn condition rhlU the Spanish Influenia is at its dangerous stage. - It has been reported that Jack Chrle-fenaen. Chrle-fenaen. coach of the Branch A. C. at Cedar City, has been pur-4n ted with the Hpanish influensa, but no official word has been heard from Jack's folks. Checkers and Old Sol ar the favorite pastimes now and It begins to look like the old games will be played a whole lot within the next week or go. see Prod kleln has just returned from a trip up north, where hf has been eel line; athletto goods. Fred reports plenty of business Tn the hunting and fishing lines, but athletic are at low tide at present, e e e Harry Hughes, roach of the Colorado Agricultural college at Ft. Collins, has been opera tad on for appendicitis and early reports say that THughee la pulling through O. K. He was taken to the hos-'ptts! hos-'ptts! Is, " wee, Just jefirg " fit "Tiref scheduled football game with the Teachers" Teach-ers" college of Ureelev. This rams had to he canceled and Harry expects to be back on the Job by the time the boys ara playing their neat game. e e e The ltah fans may yet have a chance j to see the Montana A -alee play Kred (November 2 and may be able to pull off a game with the 1,'niverslty of Utah on I i the rame trip, providing- that this stuff j has made Ma -xit by that time. The Ft. LJougla ova are working hard I on their football tesm and eome of the I college teama are going to find It hard picking to beat the boys up there. Joe 1 Jensen has been working with Ausher-j Ausher-j man and the players have started to catch onto the finer points of the gams. I -see I This eloalng of school came at the right time for a majority of the students, as they had Intended to ley off ror a few I days to top beets on some of the neaiby I farms. j j Tlnr Leonard "and Froggy" Nowells are mixed up In all branches of athletics dnwn at Frfrr field, Arcadia, Kla, These . fellow -'bays made good on the baseball, hakthAi and football teams for the iFlyers there and are having a great I time, e e e Wld Aahlon will probably call the local : coaches together as soon as school opens I to rearrange (he football schedule or j start the hakthal1 schedule. Wid ts the representative of the Kalt Lake division and one of Utah's strongest boosters for sports. see J President James F. Moss and Hecretary 10. Oren Wilson of the I'tah High School I Athletic aanoclatlon ttre in the im boat 'with the athletic coaches. They Just do I not know what to do. |