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Show IS. AGNES LARSEN HAS GAINED 1 4 POUNDS Says Way Tanlac Helped - - Her Is Nothing SKort of Wonderful. According to the testimony of mul tlplled thousands who have tried It, there la nothlaw so well adapted to the needs of a rundown system as Tanlac, Tan-lac, and In every 'case where a fair test of Its power Is made another enthusiastic en-thusiastic witness Is the Invariable result. re-sult. Recently In telling of the remarkable re-markable benefits she haa derived from the medicine. Mrs. Agnes Lareen, residing at HM South U street, Ta-eoma. Ta-eoma. Wash., said: "The way Tanlac haa relieved me of my suffering and built me up is nothing; noth-ing; short of wonderful. Why, f don't only fe like a new woman, but I have actually gained fourteen pounds In weight besides. I waa Jn an awfully weak, rundown condition for two years and so nervous that the least little, (Mnf out of the ordinary would upset me. I suffered all the time with a pain across my kidneys, which wai so bad sv times my back felt like It would break. I wti very restless at night, up and down at all hours, unable to sleep. I sluo suffered a great denl with flirrtnerr nrtriT'ennirrr-wgg- CHILDREN HATE PILiS, CALOMEL ANDJJASTOR OIL If cross, fsTeriah, constipated, gire "California Syrup of FigaJ Look back at your childhood days. Remember the "dose" mother Insisted en castor oil. calomel, cathartics. How you hated them, bow ypu fought against taking them. With our children He different Mothers who ding to the old form of phyele almply don't realise .what they do. The children 'a revolt Is well founded. found-ed. Their tender little Inaldea' ara Injured by them. If your child's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, give only dell-cloua dell-cloua "California Byrup of Klga." Its action Is positive, but gentle. Millions of mothera keep this harmleaa "fruit laxative" handy; they know children love to take It; that It never falls to clean the liver and bowels and aweeten the stomach. 'and that a teaspoonful given today saves a alck child tomorrow. tomor-row. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Byrup of Pigs," which has full directions for bablee. children of all agea and for grown-ups plainly on each bottle. Beware of counterfelta sold here. Bee that . It la made by "California Fig Byrup Company. ' Re-fiiae Re-fiiae aaa elhes klad with oanlampt . K kiiBl 1,11111 III) I net 111 1 1, II K II with my housework without stopping several times to rest. "One day I waa telling a friend of i mine how I felt, and she advised me to try Tanlac. Ho I got a bottle, and that waa one of the beat things I ever did. My husband, who waa aufferlng a great deal with Indigestion and gaa on his etomach, commenced taking It the sams time I did, and between us we took eight bottles, and are In aplen-did aplen-did condition. Hia atomach Is tn auch a good condition that ha sate just anything any-thing and It all agrees with him fine. And aa for me. It has built me up until I reel altogether different. My nerves are so much stronger and better that I n alaep all night long, and my appetite ap-petite la juat fine. I no longer have thoae weak, dlssy spells and tha pain haa left my bark entirely. Both my. I Self and huehand, think Tanlac la great, and If 1 ever feel my system getting rundown again I ahall take mora Tanlac, Tan-lac, because I know so wall what R will do.'- Teniae la aold only by "chramm-Johnaorte "chramm-Johnaorte drug stores In Bait Lak City, Itah Adv) I Ycraig Patois ! Uncle Sam Gives You Another Chance The War Department Has Authorized THE UTAH AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE TO CONTINUE INDUCTIONS INTO THE STUDENTS' ARMY TRAINING CORPS UNTIL AND INCLUDING OCTOBER 30 The College Can Induct a Limited Number of Men I. Into the Collegiate Section of the S. A. T. C. These men must be vregistrants of September 12, or, if registrants of some other date, not . In class 1-A. They must possess 13 units of high school work. II. Into the Vocational Section of the S. A. T. C. as' radio telephone elec- . tricians. These men must be registrants of September 12, or, if regis- 1 . trants of some other date, not In class 1-A. "They must have had two years of high school work. V III. Into the Vocational Section of the S. A. T- C as mechanics and technicians. tech-nicians. These men must be 19 years or over, registrants of September Septem-ber 12, or, if registrants of some other date, riot in class 1-A. They must possess a grammar school education or its equivalent. j Special Induction Offices will be open at the State Capitol Building, Build-ing, Salt Lake City, until and including October 30, for the benefit ben-efit of the men of Salt Lake City and vicinity. Inductions Are Also Proceeding at the Utah Agricultural College at Logan J The quotas are rapidly filling. To insure induction apply imme-, imme-, ' diately. Twenty-nine men have already been called from the Utah Agri- cultural College Unit to prepare for commissions. ' 1 s STABILITY With the Increasing need ef strength and health In our country today the eonearvstloa of lh. teeth. In view of this, hss become a vital necessity, which is dally presented to eur sttsntlon. Users of Union Dentistry have the assurance and confidence which comes only from knowing you are going go-ing te receive Just what you want. . The name of tha Union Iiental Company, Com-pany, la Itsalf a mark ef leadership, guarantees positive satisfaction. Only work that gusranteee te protect can serve thla neceeaary purpose and It la commonly sgreed upon by all of our patients that Union Ien-tuitry Ien-tuitry offers the gresteet durability. VYs ewn and operate our own labora-torlea labora-torlea and eur product and proceaeee are tha reault of eialeea years ef development. KnHniT?jmP? ONE PRICE illtliyjrt TO ALL S Gold Crowns... $5.00 y f'vW . BHHc Work . . S5.00 ) Gold Inlay... 2 toS " -' 2 Porcelain Fillinfa, UtfiVri.Vri ..2 to $2.80 JPJIIM.W SiWgf RUinf.. .$1.00 TTf 'f')U' . ';:T, Vary Bast Set of I (1- 4j Toetli) ...$10.00 CALL POP. A Pg EXAMINATION. Teeth positively evtreeted without pain. Ne unpleasant after-efforts. Al lastruments etsruised immediately after using Lady atLndaaia Large, plea sent reception room. Office epos eaves ears a week. The Old Reliable Union Dental Company (II Msu BL Dr. L. 3. Dull la Charge. . Paeae Waa iim. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmHmmmmmwmmmmmmm " f |