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Show PRESIDENT STUDIES REPLY Unofficial Text of Hun - Note Arrives; Wilon Will Not Comment Until Real Note Comet $y Robert J. Bender United Press Staff Correspondent. WASHINGTON, Oct. 21. President Wilson and Sec- reUry of State Lansiug today had before them the unofficial German reply aa picked up by wireless from the great German stations sta-tions at Nauen. It waa authoritatively stated that me. German" answer appeare a to oa" an awkward acceptance of President Wilson's decision and that It "appeared" "ap-peared" to raise no controversial points. . It was pointed out emphatically, i " ' however, that President Wilson In his first reply jtathe first German offer i stressed the point that he could not pass on the Teuton proposal to the allies until occupied territory bad been evacuated. This position of the president. It waa strongly Indicated, still stands as a primary condition today. It waa officially stated no comment would be made pending receipt of the official test. It waa pointed out, however, that If the German wireless Is correctly quoted in dispatches from London, Germany will stand out for an armistice armis-tice which will be arranged Jointly by the generals of .her staff and those of the allies. The allied governments declare that any armistice shall be dictated by Marshal Foch. NEW INTEREST. Indifference of the last few days at the German reply suddenly changed to widespread Interest throughout the capital today. The state department information was said to have been derived from German wireless messages mes-sages picked up at london. It was Indicated that the test of the department's Information would not he given out,, but that Secretary Ianalng would await receipt of the official note through Swiss channels. WOULD DODGE INDEMNITY. (W The Indications are that Germany "r-H peek to lay down a "rate, trying to Justify her activities on sea and In leaving evacuated territories, to protect pro-tect her against claim for Indemnities Indemni-ties at the peace table. That she will point to constitutional reforms reported under way to atrip her military autocracy of Its power is also the conviction of neutral diplomat diplo-mat closely following the situation. IT WON'T GO DOWN. If this proves true, peace would appear ap-pear fsr off. Officials of this government .and entente en-tente diplomats, of course, would say nothing regarding the German action until the text of the note Is available. The unofficial wireless text, aa received re-ceived by the state department, was forwarded to the White House for Praa.Hent W I latin. MAY COM Ea TONIGHT. At 2 o'clock the official text had not yet reached the Swiss legation, but was expected hourly. At 2:80 the Swiss legation said It had been advised that the official German Ger-man reply was expected to arrtve some time tonight. Following the usual course of procedure that Would delay delivery of the authoritative text until tomorrow forenoon. |