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Show mm mt sly mn w ra immeu Lfearjmldisease prevents care of r SCORES OF VICTIMS Volunteer Nurses Are Called; -Where Scientific Precaution Is Used, Danger of Contagion Declared Small. Request from impatient citizens are being received daily by The Telegram to urge the keeping open of at least one drug (tore during the epidemic of Spanish influenza. The drug store were ordered closed several months ro at 11 p. m. by the commercial economy board. . : Protesting citizens say thay are unable to obtain medicine after 11 o'clock no matter how urgent the need is. It is possible that arrangements will be made to permit one drug store to remain open all night until the epidemiothas abated. i RESPONDING to an appeal for aid from Dr. T. B. Beatty, state health commissioner,' in charge of the influenza situation in Utah, Surgeon General Rupert Blue of the United States department depart-ment of public health has dispatched from Washington Dr. L. W. Tenuant and Dr. C. F. Myers. Dr. Tenuant and Dr. Myers, who left Washington yesterday, will .work under the direction of Dr. Heattv in his efforts to control the influenza scourge. Dr. Beatty was authorized by the state board of health to pro- Xcure assistance in his work of controlling the epidemic, but in view pf the fact that no physician in Utah was procurable, wired to Surgeon General Blue for, aid. Utah physicians and nurses are working day and night, with little or no sleep, in combating the ! disease, palls for doctors and nurses are coming into the office of , (he state board of health from all over the state, but with all pf them taxed already beyond their capacity, it is impossible .to meet these calls" " Sv While not' ao many iiw cases are Wheing reported, the situation still Is saiught with danger on account of TnV impossibility of securing nurses to care for the numeroue pattenta. Beatty haa aent an appeal throughout-the throughout-the state for the mobilisation of volunteer vol-unteer nursea who will be Instructed In the manner of' caring for victims of the disease. SITUATION VERY GRAVE. The situation has reached a grave state throughout the state on account of the fear of so many persons to enter tha sickroom. This fear of catching tha diseaae has caused many ylctims to be neglected and a, pathetic condition condi-tion exists In many places where entire families stricken are. left unaided. Provided persons entering the sickroom use t he proper precautions, wear masks- and follow the instructions Issued by the state board of health In a circular, the danger of taking the disease is small. Dr. Beatty declared. PROVO APPEALS FOR NURSE. Dr. Hughes of Provo haa sent an urgent cail to the state board of health for a trained nurse and one will be furnished him If procurable. The lack of nursea will be made up through the mobilisation of volunteer nurses, who will be Instructed in the proper precautionary pre-cautionary meaaures. They will, on following theae Instructions, be able .not only to do the work safely, but will be performing a humane act, Dr. Beatty asaerta. One new case reported to the state board of health this morning waa that of a soldier who was returning from Camp Kearny, after attending the burial of hia brother, an Influenza victim, vic-tim, in Iowa. The soldier waa stricken on the train and waa removed at Provo. " MAY ZONE PHYSICIANS. Tha Influensa aituation has become o acuta, with the doctors and nurses ao overworked night and day. that it may come to a point where the son in g L of physicians may be necessary, ac-cording ac-cording to Dr. Beatty. As the situa-SsVon situa-SsVon now stands, a doctor may be tailed on a case in one locality and then Immediately be called 4 another locality several miles distant. One ob-, ob-, jection to the sonina of physicians. even though It Is admittedly a most VcnnHnned on p .e 2 FEAR OF DISEASE. L Continued from page 1.) efficient one. Is . that many families would object and protest on the ground that they were being; deprived of the I services of their family physician. "The situation haa become ao acute that It may come to a point where It will be neceewary to sone the phy-Klclans. phy-Klclans. hut such a plan would be at-tended at-tended by many com plica t tone, H, Dr. Heatty declared this morning. "Undoubtedly "Un-doubtedly It would work for efficiency, since It would cover the field-and furnish fur-nish medical aid to all the needy." HOPES ARE DASHED. Hopeg built up yesterday dur'njr a lull In reports of new influenza cases W were blasted today when the greatest Xoumber of reports since the epidemic : gVtrted were received at I oval Hed I v 7h headquarters. Officials say reports re-ports nt new cases are being; received every fifteen minutes, many of them more d -stressing; and serious than any before. Twenty-four new cases developed In Lark In forty-eight hours, snd miners suddenly afflicted with the malady wers being- brought down from the Ohio Copper and other mines every fifteen minutes, according- to Kobert J. Rhlelda, manager of the Red Cross. MUST RUN ITS COURSE. Th era will be no. visible abatement of the epidemic In Sit Lake for at least ten days more, according; to the statement today by Dr. Samuel O. Paul, city health commissioner. "The epidemic Is not any better, and I hardly hard-ly think any worse than the paat few days," he said. "We have abandoned hope of checking? It before It has entirely en-tirely run Its course. The only thing we can do now la urgje Individual precaution pre-caution In the hope of keeping- down the mortality rate. For stricken families who are on able to pay for hospltaI services and whose horn fa are not suited for their con ftp em en t there. Judge Mercy hospital hos-pital will be thrown open free to them, according to a statement Issued today by Manager Shields of the Red Cross. No attempt, Mr. Shields say a. Is being- made to operate the hospital for profit. Those who can afford It, however, are expected to pay for ser vice, while other whose- fineness will not permit the expense, will be cared for free of charge, the expense being home by the Red Cross. MUCH PNEUMONIA. Greater numbers of pneumonia esses are developing from Influenza, according- to local official a Another noticeable notice-able change In the situation locally Is thst the spread of the epidemic has suddenly changed from the west side of the city to the east, the majority of k rases reported last week having- been Vrnm west of Main street. asWrent calls for nursea and doctors continue to pour Into, the offices of the city and state health boards and the Red Cross. No nursea are available avail-able and few more volunteers have come forward to serve In the great hiinanitarian cause. Scores of work aes are aiao rteeded to prepare game face maaks. A demand for several household masks has come from all parts of the state and the orders can-vh can-vh be filled. 12 DEATHS 4N DAY. KiKhty-flve new cases have been reported to the eity board of health afire yesterday morning;. During the im period twelve deaths occurred in the ciry. I Military authorities at Ft. Douglas say the epidemic is gradually de-ereaainff de-ereaainff there. The quarantine order, however, will be maintained until the malady has entirely abated. thy say. Bountiful and Midway were among the new towns of the state to report an outbreak . of the scourge tod v. j Roth towns -sent urg-ent calls fori nurses and doctnra to the Red Cross, j hut their appeals could not be met. |