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Show : Qteria submitted la th Hertitorium Mejimited to Jtwo ques- tions each. All queries must b written by pen or typewriter and carry the full name and address of the writer; also name or initial by which the answer is to be identified in the column. Queries will be answered as nearly as possible in the order receired; failure to see your answer in one issue means that it will appear later. Do not sk for a private reply if the query may be taken care of in the department If private .reply . is absolutely necessary, send self-addressed, self-addressed, stamped envelope. - . Communications nqt written in compliance with the rules of this department will be ignored. Dart Mia Kayi many hav told yu how iwnwH tbey pisia yaw, that thr ar hardly word Mt for m - tar xpra myself, but w ar all truly thankful that yu ar with ua, and wasn't it wonderful day whn th Haartiterium first appeared! ap-peared! May ft hav vrlastino suoeesa under th supervision ? n thr than ur Mtaa Kay. ' MissKayel jranawaing tf parplcMtng questions: 1. What is tha eorrct pronunciation pronunci-ation of th words, Fcn, kalian and advertisement? 2. ' Where ean I obtain a copy af tho poem by Ella Wholr WiU aoa that starts like thiot MLaugh and tha world laugh with you, . Woop and yu wp alono." I hp I hav net bn too much traublo this timo. Mis Kay. HAPPY, I thank you, llttt lady. Klrat of all for your aignatura. Thet aeems ao much grief In th world ao many PADH and HORRO W Kl'Ifl and GLOOM YH. that it la truly a joy to meet an occaeionaly HAPrT. And It la nlc to b appreciated maybe that why I'm happy In spit of all th above mentioned aordld condition; con-dition; X thank you for your support and good wishes, and hop you'll writ often. 1. Pronounr Foch to rhym with bosh; Italian, 1-tal-yan, I aa In It, th a' aa In at, accent on tha second syllable; syl-lable; advertisement, ad-vur-tts-ment, a aa In at, accent on in aecond syllabi. syl-labi. a. Ella Wheeler Wile lJugh and th World Lough With You. maV be had at th public library, and If you merely wish to make a copy of It, that will answer your purpose nicely. nice-ly. If you wish It In printed form, for your vary own. then 1 would auggeat that you ak your book dealer to order It for you. Any first claaa shop Is glad to take orders for what It does not carry car-ry In stock. and wish that I eould In oom way rociprocata your kindness. LAIRD. How you flatter me hut never mind; balng entirely human, I'm aus- ceptlble. 1'ld you think w might unearth aome war secret, my dear? Or was there a hop for something MOUK Interesting? In-teresting? I heheva ymi hava mlaread your friend' fjurrtntton, or that he haa mi' quoted, for, aa here given, it doe not work out well. With slight changes In th spelling, literally translated. It reads : "Over th wave and earth I come to you: In your angel handa 1 present my adoration." You don't mind accepting thla ver-alon, ver-alon, do you? Or la It meaningless? Dear Miaa Kyt Will yu pie a f iv m tho direction di-rection for making a nice wadding wad-ding cakf I want tha kind that 1 lik a wadding cak. RHONE CALL. Th following, while not a terribly expensive caka, I excellent, and If you follow th directions carefully you will hav no occasion to regret your choice of a recipe: One pound butter, on dosen eggs, half cup water, on teaapoon soda, one teaapoon each of spice, on teaapoon salt, half cup molasses, on and one-half one-half pounda sugar, ono pound pecan a, half pound lemon peel, half pound citron, cit-ron, four pound raisins, three pounds currant, flour to mak a medium batter. bat-ter. Cream butter and augar together; separate egga and beat well; let aoda atand In water thirty minutes; let I pica atand In molaaae two hours; j hake In a moderate oven about three hour. Dear Miso Kayat la . ther anything you don't know? Will yu kindly giv m th. words ta th song ln tha City Whin Nobody Cares-T J. F. P. Dar MIm Kay, l Fallowing th, beat peaaibl, method, I own, you for information. infor-mation. How in th, world you an-,wor an-,wor all our o,uoationo aomotimo, fooliah and ab.urd s bayonoj mo. r Novortholoas, oholt wlltftoly ro. main In doubt on thia paint it ia ao nieo to hava aomo odporior ono who san halp us in ao offisiont a anonnor. Wilt you kindly Intorsrot tho following phrssoa. whioh I boliovo aro paniahT Thoy w.ro in lottoro W mo from a Britiah lioutanant,. Who is abroad somowhsro. I did not know him wall and hia lottoro woro just friondly so interesting, tslling of His experiences, stc and theeo phrases looked like they might mean somsthing REAL in tereeting Hal "Sabre lea olaa y tlorro ya vlenno " a tu. Cn laa manes dsl anquoio yo ajrassnto mi adora. I thank you very muck for tha aa.i.taneo you have boon to mo, Indeed there la here's ono of them. When tho day of a popular sons; Is past It Is quits Impossible to art It from tho mu.lc dealera, and that la tha case with thla ono. No doubt there aro many copies of this very pretty aon ttsht nr In our little city, put none aeeme to be available Juat now. However, I feel aura that aome one will contribute It to the department. Our "til bureau seems to be a free-for-all, doesn't It? Tho aid alven In this direction means a groat deal to me and to the department and VOL', my public, do not mind helping:, do you? Sorry to keep you waiting, J. K. P., but I am aura your eon a; will come. My Dear Miaa Kayet Oe you know you are Juat like sn alder sistsr to me. It surely is nice to have someone like you in the world who ia willing to help ue young people along. Thia is tha first time I hava written to you; but truly hope I hava gone by tha rule f th department s you went ae gleet m. Will yeu pitas answer th ajutien fr m ? 1. I hav tw vry dear friends in th army and would lik' vry much to correspond with them, but I do not knew the.r addr, and they don't know mine. Will you plsaa give m th address of some n ta whom I could writ for the.r r 2. I am 18 year of age. My hair ig long, thick and naturally ' curly. Am I too ld for curls? ALOMOE. Olarl to help you, little newcomer. 1. la It not posalbl for you to get thea boy' addreaaea from aome of Iheir people or frlenda? If not, then write to th adjutant general of the army, war office. Washington. I. , and possibly he can he persuaded to aend them to you, although 1 believe It quite doubtful. 2. CUng to your curls, dear rhild They are a very part of the charm of youth, and ao long a they are becoming, becom-ing, he loth to giv them up for the laid rhlgnon. |