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Show GROWING ALFALFA. The Advantages Which This Crop Has Over Other Hay Crops. There aro cerlnln advantages In growing alfalfa over other crops of like nature. One of these Is that It does not quickly run out. The length of time Hint alfalfn will stand do pends on tho conditions under which it Is being grown. In South America, It is claimed that fields 200 years old exist. In this country no such ( results are obtainable. Some re- T i' Prt tlolda that have stood for ten , to fifteen years, and It Is probable V 1 that if we could have leportB from ..'V" - California, we would learn of fields that have stood for ''a very mtich longer time. Hut as a common proposition prop-osition here tho alfalfa plant may be rcgaided as pcrmuncnt. Another advantage, says Farmers' Itovlew, Is that It wlthsjunds drought much bettor thnn red clover. This Is of course after It has made Its first growth and become established. Its ability to withstand drought comes from its ability to send Its toots deen o that It getH at moisture deep In the soil, far below the moisture the clover could reach. The thlid advantage Is tbnt it has such a big root that It has stored up In It n greal deal of plant food and of inolMiuo and Is leady to send up Its lenves at the Hist oppoituulty lu the spring. It makes an eat I) giowth and furnishes one cutting veiy ouil lu the season It must be leiuembeieil that when alfalfn Is to be sown on laud In ihlH part of tho country, the laud should bit prepared Ihoioughl) In the rail. m that the plants can get a good stall In the Hprlng while the spring mols-tine mols-tine Is abundant. |